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213. Coch, D., Dawson, G., and Fisher, K.W. (2010).
214. Nygaard, L.C. and Queen, J.S. (2008). Communicating emotion: Linking affective prosody and word meaning.
215. Betts, K., (2009). Lost in translation: Importance of effective communication in online education.
216. Rodriguez-Ferreiro, J., Gennari, S.P., Davies, R. et al. (2011).
217. Jefferies, E., Frankish, C., and Noble, K. (2011). Strong and long: Effects of word length on phonological binding in verbal short-term memory.
218. Sabsevitz, D.S., Medler, D.A., Seidenberg, M. et al. (2005). Modulation of the semantic system by word imageability.
219. Nieuwland, M.S. and Kuperberg, G.R. (2008). When the truth is not too hard to handle: An event-related potential study on the pragmatics of negation.
220. Larcker, D.F. and Zakolyukina, A.A. (2012). Detecting deceptive discussions in conference calls.
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222. Ludlow, C. (2005).Central nervous system control of the laryngeal muscles in humans.
223. Tang, C., Hamilton, L.S., and Chang, E.F. (2017). Into national speech prosody encoding in the human auditory cortex.
224. Schirmer, A. (2010). Mark my words: Tone of voice changes affective word representations in memory.
225. Leaderbrand, K., Morey, A., and Tuma, L. (2008). The effects of voice pitch on perceptions of attractiveness: Do you sound hot or not?
226. Bryant, G.A. and Haselton, M.G. (2009). Vocal cues of ovulation inhuman females.
227. Cheng, J.T., Tracy, J.L., Ho, S. et al. (2016). Listen, follow me: Dynamic vocal signals of dominance predict emergent social rank in humans.
228. Ko, S.J., Sadler, M.S., and Galinsky, A.D. (2015). The sound of power: Conveying and detecting hierarchical rank through voice.
229. Miller, N., Maruyama, G., Beaber, R.J. et al. (1976). Speed of speech and persuasion.
230. Gibson, B.S., Eberhard, K.M., and Bryant, T.A. (2005). Linguistically mediated visual search: The critical role of speech rate.