Читать «Когнитивные войны в соцмедиа, массовой культуре и массовых коммуникациях» онлайн - страница 195

Георгий Георгиевич Почепцов

Война четвертого поколения пришла на территорию внезапно. Не ждали ее и на Западе. Только сегодня началось развертывание силы быстрого реагирования в физическом пространстве. И только сейчас по всей Европе и США создаются центры контрпропагандисткого реагирования.


2. Lind W.S. Understanding fourth generation war // www.antiwar.com/lind/?articleid=1702.

3. Devega C. How “4th Generation Warfare” helps to explain the rise of Donald Trump // www.salon.com/2016/07/05/how_4th_generation_ warfare_helps_to_explain_the_rise_of_donald_trump/.

4. Wilson B. Donald Trump meets William S. Lind // 4thgenwar.wordpress.com/2016/07/03/trump-meets-man-who-inspired-2011-terror-attack-deadlier-than-orlando-shooting/.

5. Troutfishing ‘Trump’ is shorthand for William S. Lind, «cultural marxism» and Fourth Generation Warfare // www.dailykos.com/story/2016/7/13/ 1547941/—Trump-is-Shorthand-For-William-S-Lind-cultural-Marxism-and-Fourth-Generation-Warfare.

6. Lind W.S. The roots of political correctness // www.theamerican conservative.com/2009/11/19/the-roots-of-political-correctness/.

7. Weirich P.M., Lind W.S. The new conservatism // www.theamerican conservative.com/articles/the-next-conservativism/.

8. Meet William S. Lind, the Extremist Author Who Might Have Influenced Donald Trump.

9. Lind W.S. The view from Olympus: how to prevent 4GW n America? // www.traditionalright.com/author/wslind/.

10. Fisher M. Stephen K. Bannon’s CPAC Comments, Annotated and Explained // www.nytimes.com/2017/02/24/us/politics/stephen-bannon-cpac-speech.html?mwrsm=Facebook.

11. Kreiss D. Trump, Breitbart, and the Rejection of Multicultural Democracy // medium.com/@dkreiss/trump-breitbart-and-the-rejection-of-multicultural-democracy-90f3f776bebd#.4tn6bbpl4.

12. Kreiss D. Social Media Did Not Give Us Donald Trump and it is Not Weakening Democracy // medium.com/@dkreiss/social-media-did-not-give-us-donald-trump-and-it-is-not-weakening-democracy-20814a054c31#. gq4uxvgvr.

13. Rosenberg P. Don’t think of a rampaging elephant: Linguist George Lakoff explains how the Democrats helped elect Trump // www.salon.com/2017/01/15/dont-think-of-a-rampaging-elephant-linguist-george-lakoff-explains-how-the-democrats-helped-elect-trump/.

14. Познер и его мишени: как стимулируется общественный раскол в России // eadaily.com/ru/news/2017/02/26/pozner-i-ego-misheni-kak-stimuliruetsya-obshchestvennyy-raskol-v-rossii?utm_source=smi2.

15. Faith R. Fifth-generation warfare: taste the color revolution rainbow // news.vice.com/article/fifth-generation-warfare-taste-the-color-revolution-rainbow.