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Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. “Several Opinions about Effectively Alleviating the Academic Burden on Schoolchildren”. December 5, 2004.

“The Notice of the Issue of the Pilot Plan of Shanghai Spring Gaokao in 2017”. November 8, 2016.

Shanghai Star. “Five Bears Suffer Sulphuric Acid Attack”. Posted on Shanghai Star website, February 28, 2002.

Sohu.com. “Shanghai Universities Will Consider Normal High School Test, Students Will Select Three Subjects Themselves”. Sohu, January 7, 2016.

Soong Qing Ling Primary School Readiness Meeting Notes, April 22, 2014.

Southern Weekly. “Top Controversy: Should the Act of Good Samaritan Justify the Recommendation Admission to the University?” Posted on ifeng.com, June 13, 2014.

State Council of the CP CCC. “China Education Reform and Development Guidelines”. Posted on Ministry of Education of the PRC website, February 13, 1993.

“Decision on the Deepening of Education Reform and the Enhancement of Suzhi Education”. General Office of the CPC Central Committee, June 13, 1999.

“The Implementation of Performance Pay Compulsory School Guidance”. Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, December 23, 2008.

“Advice on Deepening the Examination and Admission System Reform”. September 4, 2014.

“Full List of Practice Certifications for Different Jobs”. Posted on State Council website, December 19, 2016.

State Education Committee of PRC. “Some Notes about Actively Promoting Quality-Oriented Education”. 1997.

Tencent Education. “21st Century Education Research Institute Compulsory Education Stage of Primary and Secondary School Students ‘Lessen the Burden’Situation Survey”. 21st Century Education Research Institute, May 31, 2013.

Wang Wei. “PISA Only Tests One Aspect of the Education”. Shanghai Xinmin Evening News, December 5, 2013.

“Shanghai May Quit the Next PISA Test”. Shanghai Xinmin Evening News, March 7, 2014.

Wang Xiao Li. “Thoughts on the Change of Burden Relief Policies on Basic Education since the Foundation of the PRC”. Education and Examinations 5 (2009).

Wang Ying. “9.39 Million Students Took Gaokao in 2014 Nationwide”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, June 4, 2014.

Xie Yu et al. “The Report on Civic Development in China 2013”. Peking University Press, September 1, 2013.

Zhai Zihe. “The Fudan Poisoning Case Sensationalized the Society: Roommates Farewell the Dead in Tears”. Xinhua News, April 17, 2013.

Zhang Minxuan. “What Caused the Misinterpretation of the PISA Result?” Wenhui Daily. December 16, 2013.

Zhi Zhi and Huang Yiming. “Student Killer an Introvert Who Finally Cracks”. China Daily, March 17, 2004.

7. Маленькие солдатики

Interviews include Leland Cogan, Tan Chuanbo, Wang Zheng, William Schmidt, Xie Xiaoqing, Yong Zhao, Zhao Jue.

Bakken, Børge. The Exemplary Society: Human Improvement, Social Control, and the Dangers of Modernity in China. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Barboza, David. “Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader”. New York Times, October 25, 2012.