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Ленора Чу

Civil Service Examinations, Berkshire Encyclopedia of China. Berkshire Publishing Group 2009.

Crozier, Justin. “Chinese Imperial Examination System”. China in Focus (2002).

Decisions of the National Language Committee, the National Education Committee and Ministry of Radio, Film and Television on the Test of Mandarin Level. October 30, 1994.

Elman, Benjamin A. “Political, Social, and Cultural Reproduction via Civil Service Examinations in Late Imperial China”. Journal of Asian Studies 50:1 (1991), 7–28.

Fan Guangji. “The Historical Evolution of China’s College Entrance Examination System and Its Revelation to the Reform of Modern College Entrance Examinations”.

Fujian Education College Newspaper (June 2011).

Liu Fang. “Students Admitted to Vocational Schools Occupied 44.12 % of the TotalNumber in the High School Recruitment Period in 2014”. September 16, 2015.

Min Huang. “Xiaogan High School Put 12th Grade Students on a Drip to Supplement Energy”. Changjiang Times, June 6, 2012.

Ministry of Education of the PRC. “Statistics on the Number of Gaokao Participants and Those Admitted over the Years”. Posted on People’s Daily online, May 3, 2013.

“Overview of Chinese Education”. November 25, 2015.

Miyazaki, Ichisada. China’s Examination Hell: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China. Yale University Press, 1981.

Sina Education. “Ranking of Yiben Admission Rate of All Provinces, Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai Top the Chart”. Posted on Sina.com, December 25, 2015.

Song Chunpeng. “The Double-Edged Sword of Traditional Culture and Scientific Innovations – Some Thoughts on the Talent Development of Universities”. Posted on the Ministry of Education of the PRC website, April 24, 2008.

Suen, H. K. “The Hidden Cost of Education Fever: Consequences of the Keju-Driven Education Fever in Ancient China”. Translated by Ki-soo Kim. Ha-woo Publishing Co., 2005. ww123 Forum. “Parent in Shanghai”. April 23, 2014.

Xinhua News Agency. “In 2014 the Country 9.39 Million Candidates to Participate in College Entrance Examination”. Posted on moe.gov.cn, June 4, 2014.

6. Высокая цена экзаменов

Interviews include Cong Qianzhen, Kang Jian, Li Jiacheng, Liu Jian, Li Qiong, Tiehui Weng, Wang Feng, Xu Jiandong, Yang Dongping, Yang Linqiong.

Chai Wei and Xiang Qianyun, “China’s ‘PISA’–Unveiling China’s Educational Assessment System”. Posted on China Education Daily, April 16, 2015.

Chongqing Morning News. “Chongmin Luo Delivered Speech in Southwest University: Last Year in Middle and High School Waste a Lot of Time”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, May 5, 2012.

Du, Feijin et al. “Heavy Burden on Students Has Become the Pain of the Nation”. People’s Daily, August 2, 2013.

Dukes, Richard, and Heather Albanesi. “Seeing Red: Quality of an Essay, Color of the Grading Pen, and Student Reactions to the Grading Process”. Social Science Journal 50 (2013), 96–100.

Feng Jianjun. “Examination-Oriented Education Wears Down Student’s Personality”. Posted on China Education News Network website, April 21, 2015;