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Джозеф Меркола

135. Spiteller G. Peroxyl radicals: inductors of neurodegenerative and other inflammatory diseases. Their origin and how they transform cholesterol, phospholipids, plasmalogens, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sugars, and proteins into deleterious products. Free Radic Biol Med. 2006 Aug 1; 41(3): 362–387.

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138. Moran JH, Mon T, Hendrickson TL, et al. Defining mechanisms of toxicity for linoleic acid monoepoxides and diols in Sf-21 cells. Chem Res Toxicol. 2001 Apr; 14 (4): 431–437.

139. Montine TJ, Amarnath V, Martin ME, et al. E-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal is cytotoxic and cross-links cytoskeletal proteins in P19 neuroglial cultures. Am J Pathol. 1996 Jan; 148 (1): 89–93.

140. Best KP, Gold M, Kennedy D, et al. Omega-3 long-chain PUFA intake during pregnancy and allergic disease outcomes in the offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Jan; 103 (1): 128–143.

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143. Maslova E, Strom M, Oken E, et al. Fish intake during pregnancy and the risk of child asthma and allergic rhinitis – longitudinal evidence from the Danish National Birth Cohort. Br J Nutr. 2013 Oct; 110 (7): 1313–1325.

144. Nwaru BI, Erkkola M, Lumia M, et al. Maternal intake of fatty acids during pregnancy and allergies in the offspring. Br J Nutr. 2012 Aug; 108 (4): 720–732.

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148. Gonzalez MJ, Schemmel RA, Gray JI, et al. Effect of dietary fat on growth of MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 human breast carcinomas in athymic nude mice: relationship between carcinoma growth and lipid peroxidation product levels. Carcinogenesis. 1991 Jul; 12 (7): 1231–1235.

149. Gonzalez MJ, Schemmel RA, Dugan L, Jr., et al. Dietary fish oil inhibits human breast carcinoma growth: a function of increased lipid peroxidation. Lipids. 1993 Sep; 28 (9): 827–832.

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151. Conklin KA. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids: impact on cancer chemotherapy and radiation. Altern Med Rev. 2002 Feb; 7 (1): 4–21.

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Глава седьмая

1. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, et al. Prevalence of obesity in the United States, 2009–2010. NCHS data brief. 2012 Jan: (82) 1–8.