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Майкл Коннелли

- Конечно, его услуги были нам не по карману. Своих детей мы возили в клиники. Но если что-нибудь случалось в выходные или когда Поль бывал дома, он никогда не колебался. Сейчас некоторые врачи опасаются что-либо делать, так как могут... Извините, я разболталась, как мой муж, а вы приехали сюда не ради этого.

"It's all right, Mrs. Blaylock. Um, you mentioned your kids. I heard from some of the neighbors that you two had a foster home, is that right?"

"Oh, yes," she said. "Don and I took in children for twenty-five years."

"That's a tremendous, uh, thing you did. I admire that. How many children was it?"

"It was hard to keep track of them. We had some for years, some for only weeks. A lot of it was at the whim of the juvenile courts. It used to break my heart when we were just getting started with a child, you know, making them feel comfortable and at home, and then the child would be ordered home or to the other parent or what have you.

I always said that to do foster work you had to have a big heart with a big callus on it."

She looked at her husband and nodded. He nodded back and reached over and took her hand. He looked back at Bosch.

"We counted it up once," he said. "We had a total of thirty-eight kids at one time or another.

But realistically, we say we raised seventeen of them. These were kids that were with us long enough for it to have an impact. You know, anywhere from two years to — one child was with

us fourteen years "_

- Ничего, миссис Блейлок. Вы упомянули о своих детях. Я слышал, будто у вас в доме был семейный приют, это правда?

- Да, - ответила она. - Мы с Доном брали к себе детей в течение двадцати пяти лет.

- Просто потрясающе. Я восхищен. И сколько же детей вы приютили?

- Трудно было вести им счет. Одни жили у нас годами, другие всего неделями. Многое зависело от прихоти судов по делам несовершеннолетних. Мне разбивало сердце, когда ребенок только-только привыкал, начинал чувствовать себя как дома, а суд отправлял его обратно в семью, или к другому родителю, или еще куда.

Я всегда повторяла, что берущим детей на воспитание нужно иметь большое сердце с большой омозоленностью на нем.

Одри посмотрела на мужа, он взял ее за руку и повернулся к Босху.

- Мы однажды сосчитали их, - произнес Дон Блейлок. -В общей сложности у нас за все время жили тридцать восемь детей.

Но воспитали мы только семнадцать. Некоторые находились у нас достаточно долго для этого.

Где-то от двух лет до... один прожил с нами четырнадцать.

He turned so he could see the wall over the couch and reached up and pointed to a picture of a boy in a wheelchair . He was slightly built and had thick glasses. His wrists were bent at sharp angles. His smile was crooked.

"That's Benny," he said.

"Amazing," Bosch said.

He took a notebook out of his pocket and flipped it open to a blank page. He took out a pen. Just then his cell phone started chirping.

"That's me," he said. "Don't worry about it."

"Don't you want to answer it?" Blaylock asked. "They can leave a message. I didn't even think there'd be clear service this close to the mountain." "Yeah, we even get TV."