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Илья Михайлович Франк

"Unbelievable." Eckels breathed, the light of the Machine on his thin face. "A real Time Machine." He shook his head. "Makes you think, If the election had gone badly yesterday, I might be here now running away from the results. Thank God Keith won. He'll make a fine President of the United States."

"Yes," said the man behind the desk. "We're lucky. If Deutscher had gotten in, we'd have the worst kind of dictatorship. There's an anti everything man for you, a militarist, anti-Christ, anti-human, anti-intellectual. People called us up, you know, joking but not joking. Said if Deutscher became President they wanted to go live in 1492. Of course it's not our business to conduct Escapes, but to form Safaris. Anyway, Keith's President now. All you got to worry about is —"

"Shooting my dinosaur," Eckels finished it for him.

"A Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Tyrant Lizard, the most incredible monster in history. Sign this release. Anything happens to you, we're not responsible. Those dinosaurs are hungry."

Eckels flushed angrily. "Trying to scare me!"

"Frankly, yes. We don't want anyone going who'll panic at the first shot. Six Safari leaders were killed last year, and a dozen hunters. We're here to give you the severest thrill a real hunter ever asked for. Travelling you back sixty million years to bag the biggest game in all of Time. Your personal check's still there. Tear it up."Mr. Eckels looked at the check. His fingers twitched.

"Good luck (удачи)," said the man behind the desk (сказал человек за столом). "Mr. Travis, he's all yours (он полностью ваш = займитесь им)."

They moved silently across the room (они прошли молча через комнату), taking their guns with them (взяв свои ружья с собой), toward the Machine (по направлению к Машине), toward the silver metal and the roaring light (к серебряному металлу и ревущему свету).

First a day and then a night (сначала день, а потом ночь) and then a day and then a night, then it was day-night-day-night. A week, a month, a year, a decade (неделя, месяц, год, десятилетие)! A.D. (сокращенное anno Domini — нашей эры /лат./) 2055. A.D. 2019. 1999! 1957! Gone (проехали)! The Machine roared (Машина взревела).

They put on their oxygen helmets and tested the intercoms (они надели кислородные шлемы и проверили связь).

Eckels swayed on the padded seat (качался на мягком сидении: to pad — набивать волосом или ватой), his face pale, his jaw stiff (его лицо бледно, его челюсть застывшая, окоченевшая = зубы крепко сжаты). He felt the trembling in his arms and he looked down (он почувствовал дрожь в руках и посмотрел вниз) and found his hands tight on the new rifle (и обнаружил свои руки плотно, крепко /прижатыми/ к новой винтовке /«на новой винтовке»/). There were four other men in the Machine (в Машине было еще 4 человека). Travis, the Safari Leader (руководитель), his assistant (его помощник), Lesperance, and two other hunters (и два других охотника), Billings and Kramer. They sat looking at each other (они сидели, смотря друг на друга), and the years blazed around them (и годы сверкали = мелькали вокруг них).