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Lindsey Davis

This squadron coop has well outlived its usefulness," I grumbled.

It's too small, it's dark, it's cramped, plus it's full of bad memories of villains who have been dragged in through the gate and never seen again. The latrine stinks. There is no cook-house. Equipment is left all over the exercise yard because every detachment thinks if they are only here for four months they can leave it rotting there for the next group to tidy up."

Yes, and there's mould in a big cistern underground," Petronius agreed cheekily.

Oh thanks. Don't tell my mother you have stuck me above some stagnant sink."

I won't tell your mother," he promised, if you promise not to tell your wife." He was frightened of Helena Justina. Quite rightly. My high-rank sweetheart had much stricter morals than most senators' daughters and she knew how to express her views. Petronius faked a contrite look. Well, the room is rough and I'm sorry, Marcus. But you're not staying long, are you?"