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Harry Turtledove

Lajos Soldier in western Unkerlant

Szonyi Soldier in western Unkerlant

Tivadar Captain in western Unkerlant


Ausra Talsu's sister in Skrunda

Donalitu King of Jelgava; now in exile

Gailisa Talsu's wife, living in Skrunda

Kugu Silversmith in Skrunda

Laitsina Talsu's mother in Skrunda

Stikliu Friend of Talsu's in Skrunda

Talsu* Prisoner from Skrunda

Traku Talsu's father; tailor in Skrunda

Zverinu Banker in Skrunda


Alkio Theoretical sorcerer; married to Raahe

Elimaki Pekka's sister

Ilmarinen Master mage in the Naantali district

Juhainen One of the Seven Princes of Kuusamo

Leino Mage; Pekka's husband

Linna Serving woman in the Naantali district

Olavin Banker; Elimaki's husband

Parainen One of the Seven Princes of Kuusamo

Pekka* Mage in the Naantali district; Leino's wife

Piilis Theoretical sorcerer

Raahe Theoretical sorcerer; married to Alkio

Renavall One of the Seven Princes of Kuusamo

Siuntio Master mage in the Naantali district

Uto Pekka and Leino's son

Vihti Sorcerer in Naantali district


Brinco Grandmaster Pinhiero's secretary in Setubal

Fernao* Mage on duty in Kuusamo

Janira Cornelu's lady friend in Setubal

Pinhiero Grandmaster of Lagoan Guild of Mages

Vitor King of Lagoas


Ahinadab King of Ortah

Hadadezer Ortaho minister to Zuwayza


Balio Fisherman running eatery in Setubal; Janira's father

Brindza Cornelu's daughter in Tirgoviste town

Burebistu King of Sibiu

Cornelu* Commander; leviathan-rider in Setubal

Costache Cornelu's wife in Tirgoviste town


Addanz Archmage of Unkerlant

Ascovind Collaborator in Duchy of Grelz

Gandiluz Soldier contacting irregulars in Grelz

Garivald* Irregular fighter west of Herborn

Gundioc Captain in southern Unkerlant

Gurmun General of behemoths at Durrwangen bulge

Kiun Soldier in Leudast's company

Kyot Swemmel's deceased twin brother

Leudast* Sergeant in Sulingen

Merovec Major; Marshal Rathar's adjutant

Munderic Irregular leader west of Herborn

Obilot Irregular fighter west of Herborn

Rathar* Marshal of Unkerlant traveling to Cottbus

Razalic Irregular in forest west of Herborn

Recared Lieutenant in Sulingen

Sadoc Irregular fighter west of Herborn; would-be mage

Swemmel King of Unkerlant

Tantris Soldier contacting irregulars in Grelz

Vatran General in southern Unkerlant

Werbel Soldier in Sulingen

Ysolt Cook in Durrwangen


Amatu Noble returned from Valmiera

Bauska Krasta's maidservant in Priekule

Gainibu King of Valmiera