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Harry Turtledove

She didn't have far to go, but she'd got less than halfway when she noticed people staring at her. She wondered why, but not for more than a couple of strides. Then panic seized her. The spell must have worn off, leaving her looking like what she really was. In Eoforwic these days, what she really was could easily prove fatal.

Vanai began to run. Only a couple of blocks to the flat. If she could just get inside… She hurried past the apothecary's where she dared not stop anymore, rounded a corner- and almost ran over two Algarvian constables.

They were startled, but not too startled to grab her. "Well, well, what having we here?" one of them said. But he knew. They both knew too well. "You coming with us, Kaunian. Magic not working, eh? You arresting." Vanai screamed and kicked and clawed, but she couldn't get away. And no one on the street tried to help her. No one at all. Somehow, that was the worst of it.
