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Unknown Author

‘Thank you, dear friend, good-bye,’ said Robin.

‘W&s it indeed a good shot?’ he said.

Then he fell back again — dead.

Just at that moment the bells began to ring for the Christmas Eve service. Through the open window came the sound of the sweet voices of the nuns singing a Christmas carol. But Robin was dead. Never again would he hear the sweet Christmas carol.

There was great sadness, when people found that Robin Hood was dead. There was also great anger against the Prioress. No one tried to punish her, because Robin asked them.

Little John called all the Merry Men together for the last time. They buried their master where his last arrow fell, in the garden of Kirkley Abbey, in Yorkshire.

Over the grave they placed a stone, and carved upon it these lines: —

‘Here, underneath this stone,

Lies Robert, Earl of Huntingdon; No archer ever was so good,

The people called him Robin Hood. Such outlaws as he and his men Will England never see again.’

Helpful Words

what the matter with me is — что со мной случилось ‘bleeding’ — кровопускание Grant me one favour — Сделайте мне одолжение Christmas Eve — Канун Рождества; ночь с 24 на 25 декабря


Ш Reading

Circle ‘Т’ if the sentence is true. Circle ‘F if the sentence is false.

1) Robin was Ш because he was wounded in a fight.

2)    Little John took Robin to the doctor.


3)    The old doctor was very skillful.

4)    Robin asked to revenge after his death.

5)    Robin’s grave is in Sherwood Forest.


Read the definitions and connect them with the corresponding adjectives: sad, sweet, angry, fast, deep.

1) pleasing or agreeable; delightful

2) affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful

3) extending far down from the top or surface

4) done in comparatively little time; taking a comparatively short time

5) feeling or showing anger or strong resentment


Make the sentences interrogative.

1)    No one tried to punish her. (Whom)

2)    It was very peaceful in this little room. (What)

3)    They were always together. (When)

4)    Little John promised to do everything. (What)

5)    Robin was dead. (Who)

Ф Speaking

Tell the story of the death of Robin Hood to you friend. Let him/ her ask you some questions to make the story more detailed.

^ Writing

Write the story of the death of Robin as if you were:

a)    John Little

b)    the Prioress

c)    Robin himself

While making up your story use the following linking words:

Firstly, first of all, before, after, then, finally, but, on the one hand, on the other hand, nevertheless, however.


alive [s'laiv allow s'lau alone



brave [breiv bride [braid



abbey ['aebi] n аббатство add [aed] v добавлять admire [sd'mais] v восхищаться

adventure [sd'ventfs] n приключение

advice [sd'vais] n совет advise sd'vaiz] у советовать лживой v позволять s'lsun] а одинокий angry ['aerjgri] а злой archer ['a:tfs] п лучник arm [a:m] п рука armed [a:md] а вооруженный armour ['aims] п кольчуга s'raiv] v прибывать 'аегэи] п стрела awake [ э' weik] (awoke, awoken) v просыпаться; будить awfully [ oifuli] adv ужасно besides [bi'saidz] adv кроме between [bi'twiin] adv между bind [baind] (bound, bound) перевязывать