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Агата Кристи

‘I tell you someone must have taken it.’

Blore was looking at Lombard who returned his gaze.

The judge said:

‘There are five of us here in this room. One of us is a murderer. The position is fraught with grave danger. Everything must be done in order to safeguard the four of us who are innocent. I will now ask you, Dr Armstrong, what drugs you have in your possession.’

Armstrong replied:

‘I have a small medicine case here. You can examine it. You will find some sleeping stuff—trional and sulphonal tablets—a packet of bromide, bicarbonate of soda, aspirin. Nothing else. I have no cyanide in my possession.’

The judge said:

‘I have, myself, some sleeping tablets—sulphonal, I think they are. I presume they would be lethal if a sufficiently large dose were given. You, Mr Lombard, have in your possession a revolver.’

Philip Lombard said sharply:

‘What if I have?’

‘Only this. I propose that the doctor’s supply of drugs, my own sulphonal tablets, your revolver and anything else of the nature of drugs or firearms should be collected together and placed in a safe place. That after this is done, we should each of us submit to a search—both of our persons and of our effects.’

Lombard said:

‘I’m damned if I’ll give up my revolver!’

Wargrave said sharply:

‘Mr Lombard, you are a very strongly built and powerful young man, but ex-Inspector Blore is also a man of powerful physique. I do not know what the outcome of a struggle between you would be but I can tell you this. On Blore’s side, assisting him to the best of our ability will be myself, Dr Armstrong and Miss Claythorne. You will appreciate therefore, that the odds against you if you choose to resist will be somewhat heavy.’

Lombard threw his head back. His teeth showed in what was almost a snarl.

‘Oh, very well, then. Since you’ve got it all taped out.’

Mr Justice Wargrave nodded his head.

‘You are a sensible young man. Where is this revolver of yours?’

‘In the drawer of the table by my bed.’


‘I’ll fetch it.’

‘I think it would be desirable if we went with you.’

Philip said with a smile that was still nearer a snarl:

‘Suspicious devil, aren’t you?’

They went along the corridor to Lombard’s room.

Philip strode across to the bed-table and jerked open the drawer.

Then he recoiled with an oath.

The drawer of the bed-table was empty.


‘Satisfied?’ asked Lombard.

He had stripped to the skin and he and his room had been meticulously searched by the other three men. Vera Claythorne was outside in the corridor.

The search proceeded methodically. In turn, Armstrong, the judge, and Blore submitted to the same test.

The four men emerged from Blore’s room and approached Vera. It was the judge who spoke.

‘I hope you will understand, Miss Claythorne, that we can make no exceptions. That revolver must be found. You have, I presume, a bathing dress with you?’

Vera nodded.

‘Then I will ask you to go into your room and put it on and then come out to us here.’

Vera went into her room and shut the door. She reappeared in under a minute dressed in a tight-fitting silk rucked bathing dress.