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Lombard murmured to Vera Claythorne:

‘The summing up will now take place!’

The judge said:

‘We have inquired into the circumstances of these three deaths to the best of our ability. Whilst probability in some cases is against certain people being implicated, yet we cannot say definitely that any one person can be considered as cleared of all complicity. I reiterate my positive belief that of the seven persons assembled in this room one is a dangerous and probably insane criminal. There is no evidence before us as to who that person is. All we can do at the present juncture is to consider what measures we can take for communicating with the mainland for help, and in the event of help being delayed (as is only too possible given the state of the weather) what measures we must adopt to ensure our safety.

‘I would ask you all to consider this carefully and to give me any suggestions that may occur to you. In the meantime I warn everybody to be upon his or her guard. So far the murderer has had an easy task, since his victims have been unsuspicious. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us.

Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.’

Philip Lombard murmured beneath his breath:

‘The court will now adjourn…’

Chapter 10


‘Do you believe it?’ Vera asked.

She and Philip Lombard sat on the window-sill of the living- room. Outside the rain poured down and the wind howled in great shuddering gusts against the window-panes.

Philip Lombard cocked his head slightly on one side before answering. Then he said:

‘You mean, do I believe that old Wargrave is right when he says it’s one of us?’


Philip Lombard said slowly:

‘It’s difficult to say. Logically, you know, he’s right, and yet—’

Vera took the words out of his mouth.

‘And yet it seems so incredible!’

Philip Lombard made a grimace.

‘The whole thing’s incredible! But after Macarthur’s death there’s no more doubt as to one thing. There’s no question now of accidents or suicides. It’s definitely murder. Three murders up to date.’

Vera shivered. She said:

‘It’s like some awful dream. I keep feeling that things like this can’t happen!’

He said with understanding:

‘I know. Presently a tap will come on the door, and early morning tea will be brought in.’

Vera said:

‘Oh, how I wish that could happen!’

Philip Lombard said gravely:

‘Yes, but it won’t! We’re all in the dream! And we’ve got to be pretty much upon our guard from now on.’

Vera said, lowering her voice:

‘If—if it is one of them—which do you think it is?’

Philip Lombard grinned suddenly. He said:

‘I take it you are excepting our two selves? Well, that’s all right. I know very well that I’m not the murderer, and I don’t fancy that there’s anything insane about you, Vera. You strike me as being one of the sanest and most level-headed girls

I’ve come across. I’d stake my reputation on your sanity.’

With a slightly wry smile, Vera said:‘Thank you.’

He said: ‘Come now, Miss Vera Claythorne, aren’t you going to return the compliment?’