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Маттиас Андерсон

Микаэль. Вот значит как?

Адам. Я должен вернуться, пойти назад, сюда, к тебе, чтобы — да, чтобы…

Микаэль. Чтобы что?

Адам. Чтобы — ну… проведать, как ты, а потом… вернуть все, что я у тебя отнял… помочь тебе…

Микаэль. Э-э?.. Что?..

Адам. И вот… Да… Я так и сделал…

Микаэль. Не понимаю… Ты о чем?.. Ты серьезно?.. Ты что, шутишь?


Соня и Бланка за столом у Сони дома.

Соня. Are you finished? You want some more?

Бланка. No, I’m stuffed, thanks please.

Соня. Okay… And now… What do you want to do? What can I do for you? Do you want to sleep? Or do you want to wash yourself, take a bath? I can give you some clothes, some new and clean clothes, I think we have almost the same size.

Бланка. I… don’t know…

Соня. I can tap up the water, a nice hot bath will make you clean and relaxed. Or maybe you just want to take a shower? And it’s really no problem, I have a lot of clothes you can borrow or get, because I think we have exactly the same size, you and I.

Бланка. It is very… kind of you…

Соня. I can show you… Here… (Подходит к шкафу и начинает доставать разные вещи.) Look here, this shirt… And these trousers here… They are almost new — you can get them if you want?

Бланка. Maybe I should…

Соня. And here… This is a new coat, my new winter-coat, I bought it last week, I don’t need it, I don’t need it anymore, you can have it, here, it’s yours now!

Бланка. Listen here, I…

Соня. And here is a pair of shoes and here are some boots for the winter-rain, they are perfect to walk for long with in this country’s cold winters…

Бланка. But you don’t have to…

Соня. And maybe if you want to contact your family back home in Romania… Here, you can use my telephone, you can call on my telephone. I have a good operator, here, you can call, or you can… You can take it, the telephone, maybe you need it more than me…

Бланка. Please, stop it now, please…

Соня. But really — or if you want to email and Skype you have… Here… Take my computer as well, here is it, take it with you! I don’t need this.

Бланка. Listen now!

Соня. Or if you want to bring your family here… You can also bring your husband and children here… They can sleep in my room, I can live out here on the sofa…