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Мария Генриховна Визи

Loneliness is another key theme; "and no one will hear your voice in the night, / whether you shout or not" (poem 223). Her third collection ends with a poem which says in part: "How frighteningly lonely we are in this world! / In a crowd of people such as us / we wander like lost children, / over the precipice of despair and darkness. / We are fated to face the solitary absence of a path/and an occasional impotent sadness…" (poem 244). Death condemns the living to loneliness; "You have left this world… but where to?/The earth is covered with darkness./(…) What am 1 going to do now / on my cold earth?" (poem 453). She sees her own death as sailing away: "My ship will depart in the same way / for unknown seas, in a desolate night,/and there will be no lighthouse on the rocks,/and not a single star will shine/in the sky, but the helm will turn quietly,/and the hum of the earth will grow quiet behind the stern" (poem 335). This last voyage will lead to those who have already left: "There we'll furl our sails. / The morning of meetings is not tar away!" (poem 457). An angel from an early poem who "opened the black gates of the quiet night" and "sad, sad, stood on guard" (poem 332), appears as a welcome image in one of the last poems: "the quiet angel over my shoulder / unlocks the door with his key, / and I enter where 1 need to / and find those I need" (poem 491).

Her poetry is filled with a deep awareness that "you are also a part / of this very life, and grass, and sky, / that the sky is quietly blue above you; / that you are the grass, the tiny insect, the sky, the sun, / the clump of earth by the roots of grass" (poem 229). People "in huge / cement and asphalt tombs / on the bottom of deep, stone wells" forget about "the gold of fallen leaves/' the autumn smell of mushrooms and wet earth, the rustling of wind in a large garden, and the simple beauty of nature (poem 376). Poems grieve the destruction of nature by urban sprawl: houses are built, paths disappear under the cement, small animals run away, and "only the clouds in the sky / remind of the perished miracle" (poem 433).

She paints with a beautiful symbolist palette. One of the dominant colours is white and its derivatives and compounds; frequent use of black and derivatives provides a powerful contrast Some poems resemble paintings done in black ink on white paper. In "Saleve" (poem 220), touches of silver and gold are added to a black and white landscape. Another colour of great importance is the light blue \goluboi) of the title of her third collection, the beloved colour of romantics and symbolists. Gray is reserved for cities with their enormous buildings, street hospitals, fences, dusty streets, and crowds.