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Weisbrot M., D. Baker, E. Kraev, J. Chen, "The Scorecard on Globalization 1980-2000: Its Consequences for Economic and Social Well-Being" в работе Navarro V. and C. Muntaner, Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well Being (Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2007), 91-114.
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Henwood, After the New Economy. G. Dumenil, D. Levy, Capital Resurgent, fig. 17.1.
Существует масса публикаций на тему глобализации. Свою точку зрения я высказал в работе Harvey, SpacesofHope.
Ibid., ch. 4.
Derthick M. and P. Quirk, The Politics of Deregulation (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1985); Megginson W, J. Netter, "From State to Market: A Survey of Empirical Studies of Privatization", Journal of Economic Literature (2001), online.
Dicken, Global Shift, ch. 13.
Названная по имени Карла Понци, который еще в 1921 году изобрел мошенническую финансовую пирамиду.— Примеч. пер.
Панич и Гиндин подчеркивают роль производных финансовых инструментов в процессе распределения рисков и выполнения лидерских функций "Finance and American Empire"; S. Soederberg, "The New International Financial Architecture: Imposed Leadership and 'Emerging Markets'", SocialistRegister (2002), 175-92.
Corbridge, Debt and Development; S. George, A Fate Worse Than Debt (New York: Grove Press, 1988).
Toussaint E., Your Money or Your Life: The Tyranny of Global Finance (London: Pluto Press, 2003); J. Stiglitz, Globalizationand its Discontents, 225; Wade R. and F. Veneroso, "The Asian Crisis", 21.
Farah J., "Brute Tyranny in China", WorldNetDaily.com, опубликовано 15 марта 2004; I. Peterson, "As Land Goes To Revitalization, There Go the Old Neighbors", New York Times, 30 January 2005, 29 and 32.
Holloway J. and E. Pelaez, Zapatista: Reinventing Revaluation (London: Pluto, 1998); J. Stedile, "Brazil's Landless Battalions" в книге Т. Mertes (ed.) A Movement of Movements (London: Verso, 2004).
Harvey D., "The Art of Rent: Globalization, Monopoly and the Commodifkation of Culture", Socialist Register (2002), 93-110.
Polanyi K., TheGreat Transformation, 73.
Bales K., Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000>; M. Wright, "The Dialectics of Still Life: Murder, Women and the Maquiladoras", Public Culture, 11 (1999), 453-74.
Ross A., Low Pay High Profile: The Global Push for Fair Labor (New York: The New Press, 2004), 124.
SeabrookJ., In the Cities of the South: Scenes from a Developing World (London: Verso, 1996), 103.