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Джон Эрнст Стейнбек

The case sang to its monotonous conclusion. Sir Henry, behind his broad table, stirred sleepily. Now the guards brought in a sullen vagrant, clothed in rags of old sail.

"Charged with stealing four biscuits and a mirror from So-and-So, my lord."

"The proof?"

"He was detected, my lord."

"Did you, or did you not, steal four biscuits and a mirror?"

The prisoner's face became even more sullen.

"I told 'em."

"My lord," the guard prompted.

"My lord."

"Why did you steal these articles?"

"I wan'ed 'em."

"Say my lord."

"My lord."

"What did you want with them?"

"I wan'ed the biscuits for to eat."

"My lord."

"My lord."

"And the mirror?"

"I wan'ed the mirror for to look at myself in."

"My lord."

"My lord. "

They led the man to his imprisonment. Now the guards brought in a thin, pasty woman.

"Charged with harlotry and incontinence, my lord. "

"Incontinence is illegal," said Sir Henry irritatedly, "but since when have we been punishing people for harlotry? "

"My lord, the nature of this woman-The public health demands-We thought the case would be understood. "

"Ah! I see. She must be locked up. Take her away quickly. "

The woman began to cry sulkily.

Sir Henry rested his forehead on his hands. He did not look up at the next prisoners.

"Charged with piracy on the high seas, my lord; with disturbing the King's peace; with an act of war against a friendly nation. "

Sir Henry glanced quickly at the prisoners. One was a rotund little man with eyes of terror, and the other a lean, grizzled fellow whose one arm was gone.

"What is the proof against the prisoners? "

"Five witnesses, my lord. "

"So? Make your plea! "

The tall man had put his good arm about the shoulders of his companion.

"We plead guilty, my lord. "

"You plead guilty?" Sir Henry cried in amazement. "But no pirate pleads guilty. It is a case unprecedented. "

"We plead guilty, my lord. "

"But why? "

"Fifty people saw us in action, my lord. Why should we take up your time in denying what fifty people will swear to? No, we are resigned, my lord. We are content, both with the recent action and with our lives." The wiry arm squeezed about the small round tub of a buccaneer.

Henry sat very silently for a time. But finally he raised his tired eyes. "I sentence you to be hanged. "

"Hanged, my lord? "

"Hanged by the neck until you are dead. "

"You are changed, sir."

Sir Henry started forward and closely scrutinized the prisoners. Then his lips smiled. "Yes," he said quietly, "I am changed. The Henry Morgan you knew is not the Sir Henry Morgan who sentences you to death. I do not kill ferociously any more, but coldly, and because I have to." Sir Henry raised his voice.

"Let the court be cleared, but guard the doors! I wish to speak privately with the prisoners."

When they were alone he began: "I know well that I am changed, but tell me what is the change you see."

The Burgundians looked at each other. "You speak, Emil."

"You are changed, sir, in this way. Once you knew what you were doing. You were sure of yourself."