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Марина Цветаева

Четыре у меня мешка:

В том солод, в том зерно

Ношу, в том -- мясо, в том -- муку, -

И все пусты равно.

Но есть еще один мешок:

Гляди -- горой раздут!

В нем рог лежит, и этот рог

Вручил мне Робин Гуд.

-- Труби, труби, Робинов друг,

Труби в Робинов рог!

Да так, чтоб очи вон из ям,

Чтоб скулы вон из щек!

Был рога первый зов, как гром!

И -- молнией к нему -

Сто Робингудовых людей

Предстало на холму.

Был следующий зов -- то рать

Сзывает Робин Гуд.

Со всех сторон, во весь опор

Мчит Робингудов люд.

-- Но кто же вы?-- спросил шериф,

Чуть жив.-- Отколь взялись?

-- Они -- мои, а я Робин,

А ты, шериф, молись!

На виселице злой шериф

Висит. Пенька крепка.

Под виселицей, на лужку,

Танцуют три стрелка.

* (источник -- М. Цветаева "Сочинения" в 3 тт., т.3. М., 1993 г.)


There are twelve months in all the year,

As I hear many men say,

But the merriest month in all the year

Is the merry month of May.

Now Robin Hood is to Nottingham gone,

With a link a down and a day,

And there he met a silly old woman,

Was weeping on the way.

"What news? What news, thou silly old woman?

What news hast thou for me?"

Said she. There's three squires in Nottingham town

To-day is condemned to die.

"O have they parishes burnt?" he said,

"Or have they ministers slain?

Or have they robbed any virgin?

Or with other men's wives have lain?"

"They have no parishes burnt, good sir,

Nor yet have ministers slain,

Nor have they robbed any virgin,

Nor with other men's wives have lain."

"O what have they done?" said bold Robin Hood,

"I pray thee tell to me:"

"It 's for slaying of the king's fallow deer,

Bearing their long bows with thee."

"Dost thou not mind, old woman," he said,

Since thou made me sup and dine?

By the truth of my body," quoth bold Robin Hood,

"You could not tell it in better time."

Now Robin Hood is to Nottingham gone,

With a link a down and a day

And he met a silly old palmer,

Was walking along the highway.

"What news? what news, thou silly old man?

What news, I do thee pray?"

Said he, Three squires in Nottingham town

Are condemned to die this day.

"Come change thy apparel with me, old man,

Come change thy apparel for mine;

Here is forty shillings in good silver,

Go drink it in beer or wine."

"O thine apparel is good," he said,

"And mine is ragged and torn;

Wherever you go, wherever you ride,

Laugh ne'er an old man to scorn."

"Come change thy apparel with me, old churl,

Come change thy apparel with mine;

Here are twenty pieces of good broad gold,

Go feast thy brethren with wine."

Then he put on the old man's hat,

It stood full high on the crown:

"The first bold bargain that I came at,

It shall make thee come down."

Then he put on the old man's cloak,

Was patched black, blew, and red;

He thought no shame all the day long

To wear the bags of bread.

Then he put on the old man's breeks,

Was patched from baliup to side;

"By the truth of my body," bold Robin can say,

"This man loved little pride."

Then he put on the old man's hose,

Were patched from knee to wrist;

"By the truth of my body," said bold Robin Hood,

"I'd laugh if I had any list."