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А все-таки она ВИРТится!

Рядом, но высоко, стоял Паскаль с учительской указкой. Он сеял разумное, доброе, вечное. Призывал к здравому смыслу. Но народу еще со времен Фортрана было наплевать на формализацию семантики. (Модула-2 вообще "от кутюр" , а шабашить лучше в телогрейке). Но предприимчивый ученик Борланд уже подложил ему кнопку на стул и на парте нарисовал что-то графическое...

Регулярно выражаясь грустно, господа!

Но это все предистория. Новая эра началась, когда "маленький треп-80" обернулся об'кетной-ориентированностью. Но и тут появились мутанты и испортили, если не все, то многое - родился Си++. Он поставил на гениальной идее крест! Причем, два раза.

2. Вавилонское языкознание

Когда Главный Программист решил наказать возомнивших о себе. Он на Вавилонской конференции лишил их всех языков, кроме Си. Разве что предания смутные остались...


1 "У попа была собака" goto 3 2 "И написал" goto 1 3 "Он ее убил" goto 2


: Прост "дважды два как" . ; OK!


X WinJokes

Windows: Just another pain in the glass Double your drive-space: delete Windows ! Ever noticed how fast Windows runs ? Neither did I ! Windows: Turn your Pentium into an XT ... Windows: The Gates of hell Windows - The colorful clown suit for DOS Windows'95 is out! (PC Magazine, April 2013) MS-Windows could use yet another liposuction Windows: XT emulator for an AT Windows is for fun, OS/2 is for getting things done OS/2 VirusScan -- "Windows found: Remove it? [Y,n]" Windows'95: New look, same multicrashing Windows isn't a virus, viruses do something Help! There are Windows everywhere! In my car, my house MicroSoft's marketing: "Windows is SEMI-shareware" Windows: From the people who brought you EDLIN ! Time on your hands ? Get Windows ! "Fer sail cheep, Windows spel chekcer, wurks grate" Microsoft Windows ... a virus with mouse support Microsoft gives you Windows ... OS/2 gives you the whole house Newsflash: Microsoft announces Visual Edlin for Windows Sorry, this virus requires MicroSoft Windows 3.x A computer without Windows is like a fish without a bicycle Are you using Windows or is that just an XT ? Bang on the LEFT side of your computer to restart Windows Beat me, whip me, make me use Windows ! Breaking Windows isn't just for kids anymore ... Bugs come in through open Windows Coming soon: EDLIN for Windows DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.1 - A turtle and its shell DOS is just an operating system that runs Windows 3.1 Data to Picard: "No, Captain, I do NOT run WINDOWS !" Despite my car having windows, it still isn't mouse driven ! Difference between a virus and windows ? Viruses rarely fail Error #152 - Windows not found: (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance Error 005: Windows loading - come back tomorrow Exhibitionists love Windows Father, forgive me, I've been caught using Windows ... Have you crashed your Windows today ? I can't wait for EDLIN to be ported for Windows I still miss Windows, but my aim is getting better I'll never forget the 1st time I ran Windows, but I'm trying ... If I wanted Windows, I'd live in a greenhouse ! If Windows is user-friendly, why do you need a 678-page manual ? If Windows sucked it would be good for something Masochist: Windows programmer with a smile ! My latest screen saver: Curtains for Windows New Windows 4.0: programmed in Turbo Logo++ New from McAfee: WinScan - Removes all Windows programs OS/2 ... Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates Out of disk space - Delete Windows ? [Y]es [H]ell yes! Relax ... you are entering a windows free zone Some windows were made to be broken Windows - so intuitive you only need a meg of help files ! Windows 3.1 - The best $89 solitaire game you can buy Windows 3.1 vs OS/2 Michael Jackson vs Mike Tyson Windows95 will be released as soon as Windows 3.1 finishes loading Windows Multitasking: screwing up several things at once Windows NT: Nice Try Windows NT: Insert wallet into Drive A: and press any key to empty Windows - A solitaire game that requires 16 MB and HD Windows has the ability to screw up 2 things at the same time ! Windows ? We don't need no stinking Windows !