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Фредерик Коплстон

Из более ранних переводов можно упомянуть следующие. Marx: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (New York, 1904); Selected Essays, translated by H. J. Stenning (London; New York, 1926); The Poverty of Philosophy (New York, 1936). Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (Chicago, 1902); Ludvig Feuerbach (New York, 1934); Herr Duhring's Revolution in Science, т. e. Anti-Duhring (London, 1935). Marx and Engels: The German Ideology (London, 1938).

Имеется несколько английских переводов "Капитала". К примеру: Capital, revised and amplified according to the 4 German edition by E. Untermann (New York, 1906) и двухтомное издание "Капитала" в "Everyman Library" (London), introduced by G. D. H. Cole and translated from the 4 German edition by E. and C. Paul.

Из английских изданий "Коммунистического манифеста" можно упомянуть издание Н. J. Laski "Communist Manifesto: Socialist Landmark, with an introduction" (London, 1948).

Другие сочинения

Marx - Engels. Selected Correspondence. London, 1934.

Karl Marx. Selected Works, edited by С P. Dutt. 2 vols. London; New York, 1936, и последующие издания.

Karl Marx. Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy, edited by T. Bottomore and M. Rubel. London, 1956.

Three Essays by Karl Marx, translated by R. Stone. New York, 1947. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy, edited by L. S. Feuer. New York, 1959.


Acton H. B. The Illusion of the Epoch, Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophical Creed. London, 1955. (Великолепная критика.)

Adams H. P. Karl Marx in His Earlier Writings. London, 1940.

Adler M. Marx als Denker. Berlin, 1908.

Adler M. Engels als Denker. Berlin, 1921.

Aron R. et al. De Marx au Marxisme. Paris, 1948.

Aron R. Le marxisme. Paris, 1955.

Baas E. L'humanisme marxiste. Paris, 1947.

Barbu Z. Le developpement de la pensee dialectique. Paris, 1947.

Bartoli H. La doctrine economique et sociale de Karl Marx. Paris, 1950.

Beer M. Life and Teaching of Karl Marx, translated by Т. С Partington and H. J. Stenning. London, 1934 (перепечатка).

Bekker K. Marx's philosophische Entwicklung, sein Verhaltnis zu Hegel. Zurich, 1940.

BerdiaeffN. Christianity and Class War. London, 1934.

BerdiaeffN. The Origin of Russian Communism. London, 1937.

Berlin I. Karl Marx. London, 1939, и последующие издания. (Небольшое полезное биографическое исследование.)

Bober M. Karl Marx's Interpretation of History. Cambridge (U. S. A.), 1927.

Bohm-Bawerk E. von. Karl Marx and The Close of His System. London, 1898.

Boudin L. B. Theoretical System of Karl Marx in the Light of Recent Criticism. Chicago, 1907.

Bouquet A. C. Karl Marx and His Doctrine. London; New York, 1950. (Небольшая работа, опубликованная S. P. С. К.)

CalvezJ.-V. La pensee de Karl Marx. Paris, 1956. (Знаменитое исследование идей Маркса.)