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Альберт Эллис

14. Duckro P., Beat D., & George C. (1979). Research on the effects of disconHrmed client role expectations in psychotherapy: A critical review. Psychological Bulletin, 86,260–275.

15. Dunlap K. (1932). Habits: Their making and unmaking New York Liveright.

16. Eisenberg]. M, & Тхпфе И. W. (1975). Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling (1), 81–91.

17. * Ellis A. (1957). How to live with a "neurotic”: At home and at work New York Crown; revised ed, Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Books, 1975.

18. *EUis A. (1958a). Rational psychotherapy. Journal of General Psychology, 59,35–49. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

19. *ElHs A. (1958b). Sex without guilt. New York Lyle Stuart; rev. ed, New York, Lyle Stuart, 1965.

20. *Etlis A. (I960). The art and science of love. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart

21. *EUis A. (1962). Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.

22. *EUisA. (1963). Toward a more precise definition of "emotional” and "intellectual" insight Psychological Reports, 13,125–126.

23. * Ellis A. (1965). Suppressed; Seven key essays publishers dared not print. Chicago; New Classics House.

24. * Ellis A. (1968). Is psychoanalysis harmful? Psychiatric Opinion, 5(1), 16–25. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

25. * Ellis A. (1969). A weekend of rational encounter. Rational Living, 4(2), 1–8.

26. * Ellis A. (197 la). Growth through reason. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Books.

27. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1971b). How to stubbornly refuse to be ashamed of anything (Cassette recording). New York; Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy.

28. *EUis A. (1972 a). Helping people get better Rather than merely feel better. Rational Living, 7(2), 2–9.

29. * Ellis A. (1972b). Psychotherapy and the value of a human being New York; Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

30. * Ellis A. (1973). Humanistic psychotherapy; The rational-emotive approach. New York McGraw-Hill.

31. *Ellis A. (1974a). Technique of disputing irrational beliefs (DIBS). New York Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy.

32. * Ellis A. (1974b). The treatment of sex and love problems in women. In V. Franks & V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in therapy (pp. 284–306). New York Brunner/Mazel.

33. *EUis A. (1976a). The biological basis of human irrationality. Journal of Individual Psychology, 32» 145–168. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

34. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1976b). Conquering low frustration tolerance (Cassette recording). New York Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

35. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1976c). Rational-emotive psychotherapy applied to groups (Film). Washington, DO American Association of Counseling and Development

36. * Ellis A. (1976d). RET abolishes most of the human ego. Psychotherapy, 13,343–348. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

37. *EUis A. (Speaker), (1976e). Rational-emotive therapy with individuals and groups (Videotape). Austin, TX; Audio-Visual Resource Center, University of Texas.