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Ричард Филлипс Фейнман
Figures 6a, 66 and 6c, plates 10 and 11, show examples of dislocations. In figure 6a, where the diameter of the bubbles is 1.9 mm., the dislocation is very local, extending over about six bubbles. In figure 66 (diameter 0.76 mm.) it extends over twelve bubbles, and in figure 6c (diameter 0.30mm.) its influence can be traced for a length of about fifty bubbles. The greater rigidity of the small bubbles leads to longer dislocations. The study of any mass of bubbles shows, however, that there is not a standard length of dislocation for each size. The length depends upon the nature of the strain in the crystal. A boundary between two crystals with corresponding axes at approximately 30° (the maximum angle which can occur) may be regarded as a series of dislocations in alternate rows, and in this case the dislocations are very short. As the angle between the neighbouring crystals decreases, the dislocations occur at wider intervals and at the same time become longer, till one finally has single dislocations in a large body of perfect structure as shown in figures 6a, 6b and 6c.
Figure 7, plate 11, shows three parallel dislocations. If we call them positive and negative (following Taylor) they are positive, negative, positive, reading from left to right. The strip between the last two has three bubbles in excess, as can be seen by looking along the rows in a horizontal direction. Figure 8, plate 12, shows a dislocation projecting from a grain boundary, an effect often observed.
Figure 9, plate 12, shows a place where two bubbles take the place of one. This may be regarded as a limiting case of positive and negative dislocations on neighbouring rows, with the compressive sides of the dislocations facing each other. The contrary case would lead to a hole in the structure, one bubble being missing at the point where the dislocations met.
Кристаллическая структура металла моделируется скоплением пузырьков диаметром 1