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Adam Makkai


[behind bars]{adv. phr.} In jail; in prison. •/He was a pickpocket and had spent many years behind bars./ •/That boy is always in trouble and will end up behind bars./

[behind one’s back]{adv. phr.} When one is absent; without one’s knowledge or consent; in a dishonest way; secretly; sneakily. •/Say it to his face, not behind his back./ •/It is not right to criticize a person behind his back./ Contrast: TO ONE’S FACE.

[behind the eight-ball]{adj. phr.}, {slang} In a difficult position; in trouble. •/Mr. Thompson is an older man, and when he lost his job, he found he was behind the eight-ball./ •/Bill can’t dance and has no car, so he is behind the eight-ball with the girls./ Compare: HAVE TWO STRIKES AGAINST ONE(2), IN A HOLE.

[behind the scenes]{adv. phr.} Out of sight; unknown to most people; privately. •/Much of the banquet committee s work was done behind the scenes./ •/John was president of the club, but behind the scenes Lee told him what to do./

[behind the times]{adj. phr.} Using things not in style; still following old ways; old-fashioned. •/Johnson’s store is behind the times./ •/The science books of 30 years ago are behind the times now./ •/Mary thinks her parents are behind the times because they still do the foxtrot and don’t know any new dances./

[behind time]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1a. Behind the correct time; slow. •/That clock is behind time./ 1b. Behind schedule; late. •/The train is running behind time today./ 2. Not keeping up; not at the proper time; overdue. •/Your lessons are good, but why are you behind time?/ •/We are behind time in paying the rent./ Contrast: AHEAD OF TIME, IN TIME, ON TIME.

[be-in]{n.}, {slang}, {hippie culture} A gathering or social occasion with or without a discernible purpose, often held in a public place like a park or under a large circus tent. •/The youngsters really enjoyed the great springtime jazz be-in at the park./

[be in a stew]{v. phr.} To be worried, harassed, upset. •/Al has been in a stew ever since he got word that his sister was going to marry his worst enemy./

[being] See: FOR THE TIME BEING.

[be in labor]{v. phr.} To be in parturition; experience the contractions of childbirth. •/Vane had been in labor for eight hours before her twin daughters were finally born./

[be in someone else’s shoes]{v. phr.} To be in someone else’s situation. •/Fred has had so much trouble recently that we ought to be grateful we’re not in his shoes./

[be into something]{v. phr.}, {informal} To have taken something up partly as a nobby, partly as a serious interest of sorts (basically resulting from the new consciousness and self-realization movement that originated in the late Sixties). •/Roger’s wife is into women’s liberation and women’s consciousness./ •/Did you know that Syd is seriously into transcendental meditation?/ •/Jack found out that his teenage son is into pot smoking and gave him a serious scolding./