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Adam Makkai

[as a matter of fact]{adv. phr.} Actually; really; in addition to what has been said; in reference to what was said. — Often used as an interjection. •/It’s not true that I cannot swim; as a matter of fact, I used to work as a lifeguard in Hawaii./ •/Do you think this costs too much? As a matter of fact, I think it is rather cheap./

[as an aside]{adv. phr.} Said as a remark in a low tone of voice; used in theaters where the actor turns toward the audience as if to "think out loud." •/During the concert Tim said to his wife as an aside, "The conductor has no idea how to conduct Beethoven."/

[as a rule]{adv. phr.} Generally; customarily. •/As a rule, the boss arrives at the office about 10 A.M./


[as --- as ---] — Used with an adjective or adverb in a comparison or with the effect of a superlative. •/John is as tall as his father now./ •/I didn’t do as badly today as I did yesterday./ •/John’s father gave him a hard job and told him to do as well as possible./ •/The sick girl was not hungry, but her mother told her to eat as much as she could./ — Also used in the form "so --- as" in some sentences, especially negative sentences. •/This hill isn’t nearly so high as the last one we climbed./ — Often used in similes (comparisons that are figures of speech). •/The baby mouse looked as big as a minute./ •/Jim’s face was red as a beet after he made the foolish mistake./ — Most similes in conventional use are cliches, avoided by careful speakers and writers.

[as best one can]{adv. phr.} As well as you can; by whatever means are available; in the best way you can. •/The car broke down in the middle of the night, and he had to get home as best he could./ •/George’s foot hurt, but he played the game as best he could./ •/The girl’s mother was sick, so the girl got dinner as best she could./

[as catch can] See: CATCH AS CATCH CAN.

[as far as] or [so far as] {adv. phr.} 1. To the degree or amount that; according to what, how much, or how far. •/John did a good job as far as he went, but he did not finish it./ •/So far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it matters./ •/As far as he was concerned, things were going well./ 2. To the extent that; within the limit that. •/He has no brothers so far as I know./ Compare: FOR ALL(2).

[as far as that goes] or [as far as that is concerned] or [so far as that is concerned] also [so far as that goes] {adv. phr.} While we are talking about it; also; actually. •/You don’t have to worry about the girls. Mary can take care of herself, and as far as that goes, Susan is pretty independent, too./ •/I didn’t enjoy the movie, and so far as that is concerned, I never like horror movies./ Syn.: FOR THAT MATTER, IN FACT. Compare: COME TO THINK OF IT.

[as follows] A list of things that come next; what is listed next. — Followed by a colon. •/My grocery list is as follows: bread, butter, meat, eggs, sugar./ •/The names of the members are as follows: John Smith, Mary Webb, Linda Long, Ralph Harper./ •/The route is as follows: From City Hall go south on Main Street to Elm Street, east on Elm to 5th Street, and south on 5th two blocks to the school./