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Мануэль Саркисянц


1032. Falin, S. 159f, 524.


1033. John Toland, Hitler (Bergisch Gladbach, 1977), S. 782: Auskunfte von 1971 und 1975 von Gerdy Troost, Ehefrau von Hitlers Architeken, P. L. Troost; Costello, p. 321.


1034. Dr. Aigner, Das Ringen um England (wie Anm. 213), S. 231. Vgl. Sir Norman Angell, The defense of the Empire (о. O.,? 1937); Franz Haider, Kriegstagebuch. Bearbeitet von H. A. Jacobsen, Bd. II (Stuttgart, 1963): Eintragung vom 13. Juli 1940, S. 16, 18, 53.


1034a. Klaus Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich. Deutsche Aussenpolitik von Bismark bis Hitler 1871–1945 (Stuttgart, 1995), S. 728; vgl. Gellermann. S. 121, 29, 39ff.


1035. Hitler, Monologe, S. 73, 76: Nacht vom 27./28. September 1941; H. Thost, Als Nationalsozialist in England (Munchen, 1939), S. 203f.


1036. Hitler, Politisches Testament. Bormann-Diktate, S. 45.


1037. Hitler, Monologe, S. 196: vom 12./13. Januar 1942.


1038. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Briefe, I (1928), S. 250: Brief vom 22. April 1914 an Prinz Max von Baden.


1039. William Joyce, Twilight over England (1940) in: Selwyn, p. 104.


1040. Hans Grimm. Englische Rede. Wie ich den Englander sehe (1938), S. 270; H. Grimm, Heynade, Buch III, S. 270.


1040a. Tony Kushner& Kenneth Lunn, Traditions of Intolerance… Fascist and racist discourse in Britain (Manchester, 1989), pp. 174, 180: R. Thurlow, "Secret history of British Fascism"; Scott Newton, Profits of Peace, The political economy of Anglo-German Appeasement (Oxford, 1996), pp. 168, 152; Griffiths, Patriotism perverted, p. 126, 144f, 186, 230, 237; Scott Newton, pp. 168, 152.


1040b. N. J. Crowson, Facing Fascism. The Conservative Party and the European dictators 1935/1940 (London, 1977), p. 177; John Costello, The Ten Days that saved the West (London, 1991), pp. 159, 161f; Kushner & Lunn, p. 180; Newton, p. 152.


1040c. Costello, p. 161; Crowson, p. 76; N. Bethell, The War Hitler Won. September, 1939, p. 17f.


1040d. Scott Newton, Profits of Peace. The political economy of Anglo German Appeasement (Oxford, 1996), p. 170; Costello, p. 328.


1040e. Crowson, p. 249.


1040f. Kushner and Lunn, p. 179; Newton, p. 153, 170; Crowson, p. 175; David Cannadine, Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy (New York, 1999), p. 623.


1040g. W. J. West, Truth betrayed (London, 1987), p. 234; Leibovitz and Finkel, second page (not numbered): Introduction by Christopher Hitchens.


1040h. Joan Miller, One Girl's War. Personal exploits (Kerry, Ireland, Dingle Co., 1987), pp.66f, 194f; Rebecca West, The meaning of Treason (London, 2000), p. 263.


1040i Tony Kushner and Kenneth Lunn (Editors), Traditions of intolerance… Fascist and rasist discourse in Britain (Manchester, 1989), p. 176: R. Thurlow, "The Secret history of British Fascism".


1040j. S. Newton, p. 185; Griffits, Patriotism perverted, p. 3, 304, 313.