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Линн Виссон


1) Yesterday we really had a good time — we went to the theater and then had dinner in a French restaurant. 2) I don’t know yet where I’ll go on vacation this summer. 3) Olga’s such a good cook, and she always invites such interesting people! Yesterday she entertained us magnificently, and everyone had a great time. 4) I hope that after a rough week you’ll have a chance to relax over the weekend. 5) I’m so tired after all our work on the apartment / we redid the apartment that I really need to rest up / relax / take some time off. 6) Where are you planning to celebrate New Year / Where are you going for New Year?


1) Laura suggested that we go out of town on Saturday. 2) All day Jim was worrying whether he should take the job Westinghouse had offered him. 3) Why do I have to tell you the same thing all the time? I’m tired of repeating that! 4) One again he’s got a problem with getting promoted — his boss keeps promoting other candidates. 5) I’m very interested in what you’re saying about the economic situation in the United States. And I was so bored listening to the previous speaker! 6) Mary should take the translation job she’s been offered — that’s a lot of money for her. 7) She worked all morning, and in the evening went to her friends to have something to eat and drink. 8) That way you’ll never succeed in persuading him that he’s wrong. 9) “Thank God, he finally understood!” — “Well-uh-maybe, I hope he really did!” 10) Paul is in his fourth year / Paul is a senior. His history professor is well known for his scholarly works. 11) Professor Jones, who is a sociologist, is highly respected in academic circles. 12) He has been working in our department for only a few months.


1) targeted 2) recommendation 3) most sincere 4) prospects 5) mass demonstration / rally 6) comedian 7) urgent / pressing / crucial 8) series of maneuvers / stratagem 9) rate 10) of great / fundamental importance 11) economic

Глава IX. Перевод бессловесного языка

В процессе общения смысловую нагрузку несут не только слова, но и паузы, телодвижения и жесты, которые в большинстве культур неодинаковы и поэтому порой приводят людей к взаимонепониманию. «Жестом можно многое сообщить… Сжимая кулаки, махая рукой, пожимая плечами или поднимая брови кверху, человек передает отношения и чувства так же выразительно, как и изменением интонации. Поле жестов органично взаимодействует с полем самого языка», — писал в статье “Communication” Эдуард Сепир . Но пространственная дистанция между говорящими, различные формы их контактов между собой (объятия, поцелуи, рукопожатия), а также мимика и невербальные звуки, — все это информационный материал, который семантически является недостаточно определенным для однозначного истолкования. Свистом в конце театрального представления американские слушатели выражают свое одобрение, тогда как во многих странах подобная реакция была бы проявлением негативного отношения к спектаклю.