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[2] M. Brosset. Histoire de la Georgie, SPb., 1849, p. 256 – 345.

[3] Матиане Картлиса. Перевод, введение и примечания М.Д. Лордкипанидзе (Там же даны сведения о переводах отдельных фрагментов из «Летописи Картли»: на армянский Л. М. Меликсет-Бека и русский В. Д. Дондуа. Следует также указать перевод отдельных отрывков «Летописи Картли», выполненный Е. С. Такайшвили и опубликованный в «Сборнике материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа», вып. 28, Тифлис, 1900, с. 178 – 182).

[4] Г. Г. Пайчадзе.Древнегрузинская рукопись на русском языке. – Журн. «Литературная Грузия», 1976, № 11; Э. В. Хоштария. По поводу русского перевода грузинских источников. – «Известия» («Мацне») АН Груз. ССР, серия истории, археологии, этнографии и истории искусства, 1979, № 1 (на груз. яз.); М, Д, Лордкипанидзе, Н. Т. Накашидзе. Еще раз о русском переводе грузинских исторических источников.



,,Chronicles of Kartli” is an integral part of a well known code of medieval Georgian chronicles, namely,,Kartlis Tskhovreba” (,,Life of Kartli”). Obviously, the very first compilators of this code, node, not later than in the 12th century, included into it the-,,Chronicles of Kartli”.

,,Chronicles of Kartli” embraces the period from the 8th century to the seventies of the 11th century, the years of life and creative activity of the anonymous author. The main theme of the Chronicles is the history of the political unification of Georgia into a feudal kingdom. The author begins this theme when he tells how by the end of 8th century the ruler of the Abkhazian princedom Leon with the aid of Khazars declared his independence from the Byzantine Empire and established his Abkhazian Kingdom with its centre in Kutaisi.

It is proved that the author of the,,Chronicles of Kartli” could be nobody but a Kartlian himself. When he tells about Kartli, he uses a possessive pronoun. When he tells of enemy invasions into Kartli, he says that,,they came here” (or,,to us”). Besides, when he writes about Kartli, his text is full of the smallest details, both in toponymies and description. However, his accounts of various tribes and areas outside the limits of Kartli are often quite thorough and reliable and well in agreement with the data of other sources. It is also proved that the author was contemporary to the Georgian king Bagrat IV (1027 – 1072) and probably died during the reign of George II (1072 – 1089). „Chronicles of Kartli” marks a new step in the development of ancient Georgian historical literature. Contrary to earlier historical – literary texts, it belongs completely to the domain of history, without any additions or interventions of Celles letters type, deviating from the main theme. However, this is not to diminish its literary merits. No doubt, the author was a talented writer, and his creation occupies an important place in the history of ancient Georgian literature. But first of all it is an important historical source. It gives a correct understanding of the political climat in Georgia when a united and independent state was forming there. The main part in this event, which predetermined the historical perspective of the Georgian people for many centuries to come, was played by the factors of internal economic, political and ethnocultural development. The unity of culture was among the most important factors in the consolidation of the Georgian nationality and an important prerequisite for establishment of the unified Georgian statehood in the feudal times (10th – 13th centuries).