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Илья Франк

Upstart Man was beginning to breed (появившийся вдруг Человек начинал размножаться; upstart — вновь появившийся, неожиданно выдвинувшийся или получивший известность /человек или компания/) and spread like a pestilence across the world (и распространяться, словно чума, по миру; to spread — раскидываться, покрывать). This pestilence struck down the old races (эта чума уничтожала древние расы; to strike down — сваливать /ударом/, сражать) wherever it touched them (повсюду, где бы ни соприкасалась с ними; to touch — касаться, трогать). And it was not only death that Man brought (и это была не только смерть, /то/, что Человек приносил = Человек нес не только смерть; to bring-brought-brought); but terror, too (но также /и/ страх; terror — страх, ужас, кошмар). Wilfully (намеренно), he made of the older world nothing but ruins and bones (он делал из старого мира ничего, кроме руин и костей = превращал мир в руины). Unwittingly (невольно), he brought psychic and supernatural disruption of the magnitude (он нес духовное и сверхъестественное разрушение = упадок /такого/ размера; magnitude — величина, значимость) which even the Great Old Gods failed to comprehend (какой даже Великие Древние Боги не могли постичь; to fail — потерпеть неудачу, не суметь; to comprehend — понимать, осмысливать).

occupying [ˈɔkjupaɪŋ] isolated [ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd] castles [ˈkɑ:slz] invulnerable [ɪnˈvʌlnərəbl] pestilence [ˈpestɪləns] psychic [ˈsaɪkɪk]

The Vadhagh lived in family groups occupying isolated castles scattered across a continent called by them Bro-an-Vadhagh. There was scarcely any communication between these families, for the Vadhagh had long since lost the impulse to travel. The Nhadragh lived in their cities built on the islands in the areas to the north west of Bro-an-Vadhagh. They, also, had little contact, even with their closest kin. Both races reckoned themselves invulnerable. Both were wrong. Upstart Man was beginning to breed and spread like a pestilence across the world. This pestilence struck down the old races wherever it touched them. And it was not only death that Man brought; but terror, too. Wilfully, he made of the older world nothing but ruins and bones. Unwittingly, he brought psychic and supernatural disruption of the magnitude which even the Great Old Gods failed to comprehend.