Читать «Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов» онлайн - страница 19

Илья Михайлович Франк

apparent [ǝˈpærǝnt], languid [ˈlæŋɡwɪd], lounging [ˈlaunʤɪŋ], doubt [daut]

"If your Majesty would condescend to state your case (если ваше величество соизволит изложить свое дело)," he remarked (заметил он), "I should be better able to advise you (мне легче будет дать вам совет; to be able /to do something/ — быть способным /сделать что-либо/)."

condescend [kɔndɪˈsend], able [eɪbl]

"I was also aware of that," murmured Holmes, settling himself down in his armchair and closing his eyes.

Our visitor glanced with some apparent surprise at the languid, lounging figure of the man who had been no doubt depicted to him as the most incisive reasoner and most energetic agent in Europe. Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client.

"If your Majesty would condescend to state your case," he remarked, "I should be better able to advise you."

The man sprang from his chair (человек вскочил со стула; to spring — прыгать, вскакивать) and paced up and down the room (и зашагал по комнате; to pace — расхаживать) in uncontrollable agitation (в неконтролируемом возбуждении; to control — управлять). Then, with a gesture of desperation (затем, с жестом отчаяния), he tore the mask from his face (он сорвал маску со своего лица; to tear — рвать, срывать) and hurled it upon the ground (и швырнул ее на пол; ground — поверхность, основание). "You are right (вы правы)," he cried (вскричал он; to cry — плакать, кричать); "I am the King (я король). Why should I attempt to conceal it (почему я должен пытаться скрывать это; to attempt — делать попытку)?"

agitation [æʤɪˈteɪʃn], gesture [ˈʤestʃǝ], conceal [kǝnˈsi:l]

"Why, indeed (зачем, действительно)?" murmured Holmes (пробормотал Холмс). "Your Majesty had not spoken (ваше величество не заговорило) before I was aware that I was addressing (как я уже знал, что обращаюсь к; before — прежде чем) Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein (великому князю Кассель-Фельштейнскому), and hereditary King of Bohemia (и наследственному королю Богемии)."

majesty [ˈmæʤɪstɪ], hereditary [hɪˈredɪtǝrɪ]

The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation. Then, with a gesture of desperation, he tore the mask from his face and hurled it upon the ground. "You are right," he cried; "I am the King. Why should I attempt to conceal it?"