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Илья Михайлович Франк

quarter [ˈkwɔ:tǝ], royal [ˈrɔɪǝl], exaggerated [ɪɡˈzæʤǝreɪtɪd]

The note was undated, and without either signature or address.

"There will call upon you tonight, at a quarter to eight o'clock," it said, "a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment. Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may safely be trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated. This account of you we have from all quarters received. Be in your chamber then at that hour, and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask.

"This is indeed a mystery (это в самом деле тайна)," I remarked (заметил я). "What do you imagine that it means (как вы думаете, что это значит; to imagine — полагать)?"

imagine [ɪˈmæʤɪn]

"I have no data yet (у меня нет пока данных). It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data (большая ошибка теоретизировать, не имея данных; before — до, пока). Insensibly (незаметно /для себя/: «нечувствительно») one begins to twist facts to suit theories (человек начинает подтасовывать факты, чтобы подогнать /их/ к теориям; to twist facts — извращать факты), instead of theories to suit facts (вместо того, чтобы выводить теории на основе фактов; to suit — подходить, соответствовать, удовлетворять требованиям). But the note itself (но сама записка). What do you deduce (какие выводы вы делаете; to deduce) from it?"

theorize [ˈƟɪǝraɪz], insensibly [ɪnˈsensɪblɪ], instead [ɪnˈsted]

I carefully examined the writing (я тщательно исследовал письмо), and the paper upon which it was written (и бумагу, на которой оно было написано; to write — писать).

"This is indeed a mystery," I remarked. "What do you imagine that it means?"

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. But the note itself. What do you deduce from it?"

I carefully examined the writing, and the paper upon which it was written.

"The man who wrote it (человек, который написал это) was presumably well-to-do (по-видимому, располагает средствами; well-to-do — зажиточный)," I remarked, endeavoring to imitate my companion's processes (стараясь подражать приемам моего товарища). "Such paper could not be bought under half a crown a packet (такая бумага не могла быть куплена = стоит не менее полкроны пачка; to buy — покупать). It is peculiarly strong and stiff (она очень прочная и плотная; peculiarly — особенно)."

"Peculiar — that is the very word (особая — самое подходящее: «то самое» слово)," said Holmes. "It is not an English paper at all (это не английская бумага вообще). Hold it up to the light (посмотрите ее на свет; to hold — держать)."

I did so (сделал так), and saw a large (и увидел большую) "E" with a small (вместе с маленьким) "g," a "P," and a large "G" with a small "t" woven into the texture of the paper (вплетенные в структуру бумаги; to weave — вплетать, включать).