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Николай Семёнович Бирюков

Small W. To kill a Messenger: Television News and Real World. New York, Hasting House, 1970.

Sociale Education through Television, N 38. UNESCO. Paris, 1970.

Statistiques de la radiodiffusion et de la television (1950–1960). UNESCO. Paris.

Stenberg В. et Sullerot E. Aspects sociaux de la radio et de la television. Paris — La Haye, Mouton et C°, 1966.

Studies of Broadcasting. Tokyo, Radio and TV Culture Research Institute, NHK, 1972.

Summers R. and Summers H. Broadcasting and the Public. Belmont (Cal.). Wadsworth, 1966.

Tamura M. Leisure of the Japanies. — «Studies of Broadcasting». Tokyo, 1972, N 8.

Television Factbook. Television Digest. Washington.

Riesman D. La foule solitaire (trad, franсaise). Paris, Arthaud, 1964.

Schiller H. The Mind Managers. Boston, Beacon Press, 1973.

Schlesinger A. How Practically has Television Change our Politics. — In: «Sight, Sound and Society». Boston, Beakon Press, 1968.

Schramm W. Mass Media as the Sources of Public Knowledge. — «Public Opinion Quarterly», 1969, N 2.

Schramm W. The Chellenge to Communication Research. — In: «Introduction to Mass Communication Research». Ed. by R. Naf- ziger and D. White. Baton Rouge, Louisiane State Univ. Press, 1968.

Sandman P.t Rubin D.t Sachsman D. Media. An Introductory Analysis of American Mass Communications. Prentice — Hall me. New York, 1972.

Warner M. Decision-making in American TV Political News. —

«TV Guide», Oct. — Nov. 1969. See series of articles on TV and children.

Violence and the Media: a Staff Report to the National Comission on the Couses and Prevention of Violence. Washington, Govern. Print. Office, 8-c, 1969.

Voyenne B. La presse dans la societe contemporaine. Paris, Armand Colin, 1962.

Riegel О. Communications and Nations. — In: «Studies of Broadcasting». Tokyo, NHK, 1972. 275

In: «Sociology of Mass Media Communicators». Ed. by P. Halmos. Keele Univ. Press, 1965.

Weinberg M. TV in America. The Morality of Hard Cash. New York, Ballantine Books, 1962.

Wilson D. The Communicators and Society. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1968.

Winick Ch. and Winick M. A Procedure for Content Analysis of TV Cartoons. — «Journal of Broadcasting», 1969, N 1.

World Radio — TV Handbook. Denmark, ed. J. Frost.

Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen. Jarbuch, Mainz.



Материалы XXV съезда КПСС. М., 1976, стр. 74.


«TV Guide», 15.IX.1973, р. 5.


How do People Spend their time in Japan. Tokyo, 1971, p. 46.


D. Wilson. The Communicators and Society. Oxford, 1968, p. 64.


Ведомости времен Петра Великого, вып. I. 1703–1707. М„1903, стр. 3.


А. С. Пушкин. Полное собрание сочинений, т. V. М., 1950, стр. 604.


W. Emery. National and International Systems of Broadcasting. Michigan State Univ. Press, 1969; T. Green. The Universal Eye. New York, 1972; The Effects of Television. Ed. J. Halloran. London, 1970; M. McLuhan. Understanding Media New York, 1964; M. McLuhan. The Medium is The Message. New York, 1967; Culture is our Business. New York, 1970; /. Cazneuve. Les pouvoirs de television. Paris, 1970; E. Melon-Martinez. La television dans la famille et la societe modernes. Paris, 1969; T Furu. The Function of Television for Children and Adolescents. Tokyo, 1971.