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Гасан Гасанов

Konung Alexander En Medeltids Dikt. Frân Latinet Vand I Svenska Rim. Omkring âr 1380. Pâ Foranstaltande Af Riksdrotset Bo Jonsson Grip. Efter den enda Kanda Handskriften utgiven af G.E. Klemming. Stockholm. P.A.Norstedt & Soner. 1862.

Contents of the Ethiopic version // The history of Alexander The Great being the Syriac Version of the Pseudo-Callisthenes, edited by Ernest A. Wallis Budge, M.A., Cambridge: at the University Press, 1889.

A Christian legend concerning Alexander. Syriac version // The history of Alexander The Great being the Syriac Version of the Pseu-do-Callisthenes, editor by Ernest A. Wallis Budge, M.A., Cambridge University Press, 1889.

The history of Alexander the son ofPhilip king ofthe Macedonians. Miscellaneous European versions // The history of Alexander The Great being the Syriac Version of the Pseudo-Callisthenes, editor by Ernest A. Wallis Budge, M.A., Cambridge University Press, 1889.

The Ethiopic version of Pseudo-Callisthenes // The life and exploits of Alexander the Great translations of the Ethiopic histories of Alexander by the Pseudo-Callisthenes and other writers, A. Wallis Budge, Cambridge University Press Warehouse Ave Maria Lane, London,1896.

Der Griechische Alexanderroman von Adolf Ausfeld, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Kroll, Leipzig 1907.

Der Alterfranzosische Prosa-Alexanderroman nach der Berliner Bilderhandschrift. Nebst dem Lateinischen Original der Historia de Preliis (Rezension J) herausgegeben von Alfons Hilka. Halle a.S. Verlaq von Max Niemeyer, 1920.

Historia Alexandri Magni (Pseudo-Callisthenes), volumen I, Recensio Vetusta, edidit Guilelmus Kroll. Editio Altera ex editione anni MCMXXVI Lucis ope expressa, MCMLVIII, Apud Weidmannos Berolini, MCMLVIII (1958).

The book of the gests of Alexander of Macedon, ed. by Israel J. Kazis, Ph.D., The Mediaeval Academy of America, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962.

The Alexandreis: A Twelfth-Century Epic, Walter of Châtillon. (transl. by David Townsend), Broadview Editions, 2007.

Словари и энциклопедии

Atropatene // Paulys Real Encyclopedie der Classischen Altertumwissenschaft, Heraugeben von Georg Wissowa, Stuttgart, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 1903.

The Dictionary of Biographical Reference, by Lawrence B. Phillips, F.R.A.S., London? Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, 1871.

Encyclopedia Perthensis or Universal Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences, Literature & e. Vol. XIX, printed by John Brown, Anchor Close, Edinburgh, 1816.

Le Grand Dictionnaire Geographique et Critique Par M. Bruzen La Martiniere, Tome Septième Première Partie, Chez Pierre Gosse and Pierre de Hondt; Chez Herm. Uitwerf and Franç. Changuion; Chez Jean Daniel Beman, A la Haye (The Hague), Amsterdam, Rotterdam, MDCCXXXVIL (1737).

Storia Antica e Romana di Carlo Rollin, Tomo XLVIII, Presso Giuseppe Galletti, Firenze/Florence, 1832.

Storia Antica e Romana di Carlo Rollin.Vol. XLVII, Dalla Tipografia Di Alvisopoli. Venezia, 1822.

Starostin A. Sergei, Dybo V. Anna, Mudrak A. Oleg. Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2003.