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Галина Марковна Лифшиц
I ask: Does it mean that the plot of “Medea” contains two guilty persons? Two traitors?
Irina: Yes!
Me: Are mothers who forbid their children to contact their fathers completely open and honest to their children? Can you judge without hearing the other side?
My purpose was to induce Irina not to ban the father of her child in his fatherhood. But, as the result, she suddenly showed her wish to find her own father and talk to him. She wanted to understand the person who was described to her as a traitor by her own mother. As a man, they were better off.
Irina insisted her mother to tell her the name of her father. After the harsh conversation and rough commentaries of her mother, etc. Nevertheless, Irina learned everything she wanted. And immediately found him in social networks. She recognized her father on the first sight – they looked very much alike. They’ve met and father told her circumstances of that old conflict with her mother. In details of that quarrel Irina recognized her own behavior to the father of her child. And, what is very important, she started understanding how much she has lost herself, left without her father. Part of her soul all this time was frozen. And only then she understood the metaphor “killing the child”.
Final of our work: Irina tried to make peace to the father of the child, wrote his name into the birth certificate. Allowed him to see the son. She would not even mind to marry him. But now the young man does not hurry up with proposal.
Usage of the imaginative techniques in logotherapy during work with images of fairy-tales, legends, parables we can highlight following steps:
1. Learning the main plot of the fairy-tale.
2. Discussion of the plot.
3. Creation of the heroes image (thorough discussion of his personality and analysis of his actions).
4. Living into the character’s image.
5. Shift into the space of the fairy-tale. “Me” in the space of the story.
6. Search for the plot’s points where something can be changed.
7. New variations of the story.
8. Choice and living through the own variation.
9. Creation of conclusions and definition of own line of behavior (from the space the story to reality).
Список использованной литературы
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