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Михаил Юрьевич Дундуков

См.: Edward F. Sayle, "George Washington, Manager of Intelligence," Studies in Intelligence, vol. 27, №. 4, 1983, P. 3-8.


См., например: An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations, June 1, 1796, ch. 41, 1 Stat.493.


См.: Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1845-1846 Friday, April 10, 1846. Washington: Printed by Ritchie & Heiss, 1846 P.657.


См.: Fishel Edwin C., The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil

War: New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1988. P.9.


См.: Gaddy David, William Norris and the Confederate Signal and Secret Service //Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 70, №. 2, Spring 1975. P 167.


См.: Hearing before the Select Committee on intelligence of the US Senate, 98-th Congress, 1-st session, On National Historic Intelligence museum. Nov. 3, 1983, Wash. 1984, P. 7.


См.: Intelligence in the Civil War. A publication of the Central Intelligence Agency P.23. [сайт]. URL: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/additional-publications/civil-war/Intel_in_the_CW1.pdf (дата обращения: 25.04.2014)


Аллан Пинкертон, шотландец по происхождения, иммигрировал в США в 1842 году. В 1856 году организовал в Чикаго “Национальное сыскное агентство Пинкертона”. Участвовал в Гражданской войне с апреля 1861 года. Войну закончил в чине майора. Умер в 1884 году. Сыскную фирму передал сыновьям Роберту и Уильяму. – Прим. автора.


См.: Allan Pinkerton. The Spy of the Rebellion. New York, G.W. Carleton and Company, 1883. P.89-96.


См.: Horan James D. The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History. New York, Crown Publisher, 1967. P.115-137.


См.: An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government and pay interest on the Public Debt," approved July 102 first, eighteen hundred and sixty-too, and for other Purposes, Mar. 3 1863, ch. 74, sec. 20, 12 Stat. 726.


См.: Bowen Walter S. & Neal Harry Edward The United States Secret Service, Philadelphia and New York: Chilton Company. 1960, P. 13.


См., например: Donald, D., Lincoln. Simon and Schuster, 1996. P 597.


См.: Act making the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Expenses of Government for the Year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, Jun. 23 1860, ch. 205, 12 Stat. 102.


См.: An Act to authorize an additional Issue of United States Notes, and for other Purposes, July 1 1862, ch. 143, 12 Stat. 533.


См.: Bowen Walter S. & Neal Harry Edward, oP. cit., P. 13.


Ibid., P. 12-83.


См.: Kaiser Frederick, Origins of Secret Service Protection of the President: Personal, Interagency, and Institutional Conflict // Presidential Studies Quarterly, 1988, vol. XVIII, №. 1, P. 102.