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Рик Хансон

Bryant et al. Understanding the Processes that Regulate Positive Emotional Experience.


Feldman et al. Responses to Positive Affect; Joanne V. Wood et al. Savoring Versus Dampening: Self-Esteem Differences in Regulating Positive Affect // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2003. 85. P. 566–580.


Bryant, Veroff. Savoring.


Если в ваших отношениях партнер проявлял жестокость или была такая угроза, будьте осторожнее и обратитесь за помощью к профессионалу перед тем, как выполнять практику.


Schachter. Adaptive Constructive Processes.


Paul Gilbert. The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach to Life's Challenges. Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2010.


Hamann et al. Ecstasy and Agony; Sergio Paradiso. Cerebral Blood Flow Changes Associated with Attribution of Emotional Valence to Pleasant, Unpleasant, and Neutral Visual Stimuli in a PET Study of Normal Subjects // American Journal of Psychiatry. 1999. 156 (10). P. 1618–1629.


Teresa M. Leyro. Distress Tolerance and Psychopathological Symptoms and Disorders: A Review of the Empirical Literature among Adults // Psychological Bulletin. 2010. 136 (4). P. 576–600.


Critchley. Neural Mechanisms.


Critchley, Nagai. How Emotions Are Shaped by Bodily States; Porges. The Polyvagal Theory.


См. прекрасную книгу: Thich Nhat Hanh. Being Peace. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 2005.


Panksepp. Affective Consciousness.


Panksepp. Affective Consciousness; Panksepp. Affective Neuroscience.


Pressman, Cohen. Does Positive Affect Influence Health?


Fagley. Appreciation Uniquely Predicts Life Satisfaction; Michael G. Adler, Fagley. Appreciation: Individual Differences in Finding Value and Meaning as a Unique Predictor of Subjective Well-Being // Journal of Personality. 2005. 73. P. 79–114; Emmons. Thanks!; Emmons. McCullough. Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2003. 84 (2). P. 377–389.


Gilbert. The Compassionate Mind.


Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg. Impact of Prosocial Neuropeptides on Human Brain Function // Progress in Brain Research. 2008. 170. P. 463–470; Daniele Viviani, Ron Stoop. Opposite Effects of Oxytocin and Vasopressin on the Emotional Expression of the Fear Response // Progress in Brain Research. 2008. 170. P. 207–218.


Markus Heinrichs et al. Social Support and Oxytocin Interact to Suppress Cortisol and Subjective Responses to Psychosocial Stress // Biological Psychiatry. 2003. 54. P. 1389–1398.


Decety, Margarita Svetlova. Putting Together Phylogenetic and Ontogenetic Perspectives on Empathy // Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2011. 2 (1). P. 1–24.


E. B. Keverne et al. Beta-Endorphin Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Monkeys Are Influenced by Grooming Relationships // Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1989. 14. P. 155–161.