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Андрей Ангелов


Like Apostles, they help Mr. Face with his bloody Theater during the whole performance. They make short work of cops, choose prostitutes for mortal party, and gather «theatrical corps» all around the town… They work for big money – other philosophy is alien and unacceptable to them. And this is the main reason of their death at the very end of Mr. Face’s show. They are killed by him. Money doesn’t play primary role in «Mr. Face’s Theatre». All of them – 12 guys are high, slender men of 35. They wear black coats, white shirts with red ties.

THE GARDENER is the SPECIAL CHARACTER, he is the Forerunner of Mr. Face’s philosophical world-view.

He is a man of 65, Keeper of Marvelous Divine Garden. A long time ago Mr. Face had conversation with a Gardener. The dialog between them turned Kid Face into Mr. Face and broke his fate. History is opened and closed by a Gardener. It is an episodic, but a key role.


The Plot is divided into 2 big Performances: «Gentlemen Club» and «Diamond of Saddam» + Prologue and Finale.

THE PROLOGUE is the key scene of Finale, interweaved with the most important childhood period of Mr. Face’s life (meeting with a Gardener).

The basic theses Mr. Face’s philosophy are stated into the FIRST Performance – against a background of the actions played by him.

The SECOND Performance operates these thesises profs done at the time of theatrical show. Even more, the evidence is provided by life, without direct influence of Mr. Face.

BOTH Performances have the logical final, but they are connected in concept and drama.

THE FINALE draws a line under the concept of «Theater of Mr. Face» and admits its philosophy as it were the only right. At the same time, such Theater drives Gardener – inspirer of Mr. Face – into despair, and his Marvelous Divine Garden blazes.

A spectator faces a philosophical dilemma raised by such Finale: «Is Mr. Face right? Has he understood the Gardener’s words about his destiny correctly?».

Who is right here, who is not – let’s every spectator answer these questions.

ON THE SCREEN WILL BE: tense action, interspersed with black humour, philosophy, theatricalized farce, by unexpected turns and a heap of corps – this is a real «Theater of Mr. Face».

SCENE: Los Angeles – nowadays (with a short insertion dated 1970).

Контакты автора

Данные контактов актуальны на 2019 год (март-апрель). Дальше – не знаю.

Адаптированные версии киносценариев к обоим проектам – в наличии.