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Wright E. Class, Crisis and State. — L., 1978, Class Structure and Income Determination. — N. Y., 1979; Carchedi G. On .the Economic Identification of Social Classes. — L., 1977; Baudelot C, Establet R. L'Ecole Capitaliste en France. — P., 1971 (with Malemort J.) La Petite Bourgeoisie en France. — P., 1974 (with Toisier J.), Qui Travaille pour Qui? — P., 1979


Bahro R. The Alternative in Eastern Europe. — L., 1978; Nuti D. M. The Contradictions of Socialist Economics // The Socialist Register. — 1979; Brus W. Socialist Ownership and Political Systems. — L., 1975.


Williams R. The Country and the City. — L., 1973; Marxism and Literature. — Oxford, 1977, Politics and Letters. — L., 1979; Problems in Materialism and Culture. — L., 1980; Culture. — L., 1981; Jameson F. The Political Unconscious. — Ithaca, 1981; Cohen G. A., Karl Marx's Theory of History — A Defence. — Oxford 1978.


The Age of Capital. — L., 1975; The World Turned Upside Down. — L., 1975; Milton and the English Revolution. — L., 1977; Bond Men Made Free. — L., 1973; The English Peasantry in the LaterMiddle Ages. — Oxford, 1975; Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution. — L., 1974; Whigs and Hunters. — L., 1975; Lords of Humankind. — L., 1972; The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World. — L., 1981.


Genovese E., Jordan R. Roll — the World the Slaves Made. — N. Y., 1974, From Rebellion to Revolution: Afro-American Slave Revolts in the Making of the Modern World. — N. Y., 1979; Foner E. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men. — N. Y., 1970, and Tom Paine and Revolutionary America. — N. Y., 1976; Montgomery D. Beyond Equality: Labor and the Radical Republicans. — N. Y., 1967, and Workers' Control in America. — N. Y., 1979; Brenner R. Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe, and The Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism // Past and Present. — 1967. — No. 70. — 1982 and No. 97; Abraham D. The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economu and Crisis. — Princeton, 1981.


Wallerstein I. The Modern World System. — N. Y., 1974. — Vol. I and Vol. II. — N. Y., 1980; Skocpol T. States and Social Revolutions. — Camb., 1979; O'Connor J. The Fiscal Crisis of the State. — N. Y., 1973; Magdoff H. and Sweezy P. The Deepening Crisis of the US Capitalism. — N. Y., 1981; Lasch С The Culture of Narcissism. — N. Y., 1978.


The Left Academy: Marxist Scholarship on American Campuses / B. Oilman, E. Vernhoff. — N. Y., 1982.


См. Brenner R. The Origins of Capitalist Development A. Critique of Neo-Smithiam Marxism // New Left Review. — 1977. — No. 104; и симпозиум пд работе Бреннера в Past and Present. — 1978. — Nos. 78—80, 85, с материалами Майкла Постана и Джона Хатчера, Патрисии Кроут и Дэвида Паркера, Хейди Вундера, Эммануэля Леруа Ладури, Ги Буа, Дж. П. Купера и Арноста Клима, которые в настоящее время объединены с внушительным ответом Бреннера в работе The Brenner Debate — Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe. — Camb., 1983.