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Селин Альварес


Whiting, B. B. & Whiting, J. W. M. (1975), Children of Six culture. A Psycocultural Analysis, Harvard University Press; Staub, E. (2003), The Psychology of Good and Evil. Why Children, Adults and Groups Help and Harm Others, Cambridge University Press, chap. 11.


Kochanska, G. (2002), «Mutually Responsive Orientation Between Mothers and Their Young Children: A Context for the Early Development of Conscience», Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, (6), стр. 191–195; Kochanska, G. & Murray, K. T. (2000), «Mothers-Child Mutually Responsive Orientation and Conscience Development: From Toddler to Early School Age», Child Development, 71, (2), стр. 417–431; Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., Knaack, A. & Rhines, H. M. (2004), «Maternal Parenting and Children’s Conscience: Early Security as Moderator», Child Development, 75, (4), стр. 1229–1242.


Rosenberg, M. (2016), Les Mots sont des fenêtres (ou bien ce sont des murs) (Слова — это окна или все-таки стены?), La Découverte.


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