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Chomsky, Noam, 1957, Syntactic Structures, Mouton Publishers, The Hague.

Chomsky, Noam, 1965, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Dilts, Robert B., 1983a, Applications of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Meta Publications, Cupertino, CA.

Dills, Robert B., 1983, Roots of Neuro-Unguistic Programming, Mela Publications, Cupertino, CA. Dilts, Robert B., 1990, Changing Belief Systems with NLP, Meta Publications, Cupertino, CA.

Dilts, Robert B., 1999, Sleight of Mouth: The Magic of Conversational Belief Change, Meta Publications.

Dilts, Robert B., 1994, Strategies of Genius, Volume I: Aristotle, Sherlock Holmes, Walt Disney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Meta Publications, Capitola, CA.

Dilts, Robert B., 1994, Strategies of Genius, Vblumell: Einstein, Mela Publications, Capitola, CA.

Dills, Robert B., 1995, Strategies of Genius, Volume III: Freud, Mozart, Meta Publications, Capitola, CA.

Dilts, Robert B., Dilts R.,W., & Epstein, Todd, 1991, Tools lor Dreamers: Strategies for Creativity and the Structure of Innovation, Meta Publications, Cupertino, CA.

Dilts, Robert B., Grinder, John, Bandler, Richard, & DeLozier, Judith, 1980, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Volume I: The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience, Meta Publications, Cupertino, CA.

Erickson, Milton, 1983, Healing in Hypnosis, Vol. I, The Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Irvington Publishers Inc, New York.

Erickson, Milton, 1984, Healing in Hypnosis, Vol II, Irvington Publishers Inc, New York.

Gardner, Howard, 1983, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Basic Books, Cupertino, CA.

Gardner, Howard, 1991, The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach, Harper Collins, New York.

Gardner, Howard, 1993, Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice, Basic Books, New York.

Gordon, David, 1978, Therapeutic Metaphors: Helping Others Through the Looking Glass, Meta Publications, Cupertino, CA.

Grinder, John, & Bandler, Richard, 1985, Reframing: The transformation of Meaning, Steve Andreas (Ed.), Real People Press, Moab, UT.

Grinder, John, & DeLozier, Judith, 1987, Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius, Grinder & Associates, Scotts Valley, CA.

Hall, L Michael, 1995,2000, Meta-Stales: Mastering the Higher Levels of the Mind, Neuro-Semantic Publications, Grand Junction, CO.

Hall, L Michael, 1996, Beaming a Ferocious Presenter, ET Publications, Grand Junction, CO.

Hall, L Michael, 1996, Languaging: The Linguistics of Psychotherapy, ET Publications, Grand Junction, CO.

Hall, L Michael, 1996, The Spirit of NIP: Mastering the Art, Crown House Publishing, Wales, UK.

Hall, L. Michael, 1997,2001, NLP: Going Meta-Advance Modeling Using Meta-Levels, Neuro-Semantic Publications, Grand Junction, CO.

Hall, L. Michael, 2000, Dragon Slaying: Dragons to Princes, 2nd edition, ET Publications, Grand Junction, CO.

Hall, L. Michael, 2000, Frame Games: Persuasion Elegance, Neuro-Semantics Publications, Grand Junction, CO.