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Iraq Liberation Act, 31 October 1998.


President Clinton, ‘Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998’, 31 October 1998, PPPUS: William J. Clinton, 1998, рр. 1938–1939.


S. Aubrey, The New Dimension of International Terrorism (Zurich, 2004), рр. 53–56; M. Ensalaco, Middle Eastern Terrorism: From Black September to September 11 (Philadelphia, 2008), рр. 183–186; Однако, что касается атаки Дхарана, обратите внимание на следующий источник C. Shelton, ‘The Roots of Analytic Failure in the US Intelligence Community’, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 24.4 (2011), рр. 650–651.


Response to the Clinton letter, undated, 1999. Clinton Presidential Records, Near Eastern Affairs, Box 2962; Folder: Iran-US, National Security Archive. О послании Клинтона, представленном министром иностранных дел Омана, см. ‘Message to President Khatami from President Clinton’, undated, 1999, National Security Archive.


‘Afghanistan: Taliban seeks low-level profile relations with [United States government] – at least for now’, US Embassy Islamabad, 8 October 1996, National Security Archive.


‘Afghanistan: Jalaluddin Haqqani’s emergence as a key Taliban Commander’, US Embassy Islamabad, 7 January 1997, National Security Archive.


‘Usama bin Ladin: Islamic Extremist Financier’, CIA biography 1996, National Security Archive.


‘Afghanistan: Taliban agrees to visits of militant training camps, admit Bin Ladin is their guest’, US Consulate (Peshawar) cable, 9 January 1996, National Security Archive.


Там же.


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (Washington, DC, 2004), рр. 113–114.


President Clinton, ‘Address to the Nation’, 20 August 1998, PPPUS: Clinton, 1998, р. 1461. Тремя днями ранее президент дал известную клятву о том, что его предыдущее заявление «У меня не было сексуальных отношений с этой женщиной, мисс [Моникой] Левински», было правдивым и что его утверждение «нет сексуальных отношений, неправильных сексуальных отношений или любого другого вида неправильных отношений» было верным в зависимости «от того, какой смысл вкладывается в слово «есть», Appendices to the Referral to the US House of Representatives (Washington, DC, 1998), 1, р. 510.


‘Afghanistan: Reaction to US Strikes Follows Predictable Lines: Taliban Angry, their Opponents Support US’, US Embassy (Islamabad) cable, 21 August 1998, National Security Archive.


‘Bin Ladin’s Jihad: Political Context’, US Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Intelligence Assessment, 28 August 1998, National Security Archive.


‘Afghanistan: Taliban’s Mullah Omar’s 8/22 Contact with State Department’, US Department of State cable, 23 August 1998, National Security Archive.


‘Osama bin Laden: Taliban Spokesman Seeks New Proposal for Resolving bin Laden Problem’, US Department of State cable, 28 November 1998, National Security Archive.


Там же.


‘Afghanistan: Taliban’s Mullah Omar’s 8/22 Contact with State Department’, US Department of State cable, 23 August 1998, National Security Archive.