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Лиззи Остром

C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Geoffrey Bles, 1950.

Грозные тридцатые: 1930–1939

Basinger, Jeanine, The Star Machine, Vintage, 2009.

Gardiner, Juliet, The Thirties: An Intimate History, HarperPress, 2011.

Horwood, Catherine, Keeping Up Appearances: Fashion and Class Between the Wars, The History Press, 2011.

Mcdonald, Paul, The Star System: Hollywoods Production of Popular Identities, Columbia University Press, 2001.

Pugh, Martin, We Danced All Night: A Social History of Britain Between the Wars, Vintage, 2009.

Об использовании парфюма в психотерапии: «Nightmare Routed by

Music, Perfume», New York Times, 17 May 1935.

Реклама из Time, 17 May 1937.

«Beauty Notes from Paris», Harpers Bazaar, UK edition, March 1937.

О стиле жизни дебютантки: Anne de Courcy, 1939: The Last Season, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012; Lucinda Gosling, Debutantes and the London Season, Shire Publications, 2013.

The Queen, c. 1936 (issue unknown).

Edith Sitwell, Harpers Bazaar, UK edition, c. 1936 (issue unknown).


Mennen advertisement for Skin Bracer, featured in LIFE, 8 October 1945.

Об использовании товара во время Корейской войны: Robert W. Black, A Ranger Born: A Memoir of Combat and Valor from Korea to Vietnam, Random House Publishing Group, 2007.


О парфюмерных диспенсерах: Kerry Segrave, Vending Machines: An American Social History, McFarland & Co., 2002.

О судебном иске Guerlain к тем, кто переливал парфюм в другие флаконы: https://casetext.com/case/Guerlain-inc-v-woolworth-co-1, посещение 11 мая 2015 г.


О первых перелетах: Tom D. Crouch, Wings: A History of Aviation from Kites to the Space Age, Norton, 2004.

О романе, который вдохновил Guerlain на создание парфюма: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Vol de Nuit, Gallimard, 1931.

Elizabeth Bowen, To the North, Penguin, 1932.


Об истории Harris Tweed: Francis G. Thompson, Harris Tweed: The Story of a Hebridean Industry, A.M. Kelley, 1968.

«Rustic Cloth Goes to Night Clubs», LIFE, 17 October 1939.


О бизнесе Элизабет Арден и о том, как Blue Grass использовали в конюшнях: Lindy Woodhead, War Paint, Madame Helena Rubinstein and Miss Elizabeth Arden: Their Lives, Their Times, Their Rivalry, Virago, 2012.

О дизайне СПА-курорта Maine Chance: Victoria Sherrow, For AppearanceSake: The Historical Encyclopedia of Good Looks, Beauty, and Grooming, The Oryx Press, 2001.

«Getting Away From It All», Vogue, American edition, 15 May 1933.

«Give Yourself the Maine Chance», Vogue, American edition, 15 April 1937.


Caron Corporation v. R.K.O. Radio Pictures, Inc., 28 N.Y.S. 2d 1020 (N.Y. App. Div. 1941).

Отчет об иске Caron к студии R.K.O. из-за использования Fleurs de Rocaille в фильме «Путь Примроуз» (Primrose Path), see: Variety, 27 March 1940.


Об Эльзе Скьяпарелли, ее жизни и модном доме: Elsa Schiaparelli, Shocking Life: The Autobiography of Elsa Schiaparelli, J.J. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1954; Patricia Volk, The Art of Being a Woman: My Mother, Schiaparelli, and Me, Hutchinson, 2013; Judith Watt, Vogue on: Elsa Schiaparelli, Quadrille, 2012.