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Джессика Снайдер Сакс

61 Идея, что антибиотики возникли в ходе эволюции, по крайней мере отчасти как сигнальные вещества, принадлежит микробиологу Джулиану Дэвису (Julian Davies) из Университета Британской Колумбии в Ванкувере. Основополагающая работа его лаборатории на эту тему: Been Goh et al., “Transcriptional Modulation of Bacterial Gene Expression by Subinhibitory Concentrations of Antibiotics”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (2002), 17025-17030.

62 C. G. Marshall et al., “Glycopeptide Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Glycopeptide-Producing Organisms”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 42 (1998), 2215–2220.

63 Химическое название синерцида – хинупристин-дальфопристин, тигацила – тигециклин, кубицина – даптомицин.

64 Телитромицин известен также под фирменным названием “кетек” (Ketek), а линезолид – под названием “зивокс” (Zyvox).

65 Vanessa D’Costa et al., “Sampling the Antibiotic Resistome”, Science 311 (2006), 374–377.

66 “Superbugs Abound in Soil”, www.nature.com / news / 2006/ 060119/full / news060116-10.html.

67 William Laurence, “Wonder Drug Aureomycin Found to Spur Growth 50 Percent”, New York Times, April 10, 1950, 1.

68 Notes on Science, New York Times, May 20, 1950, E9.

69 Animal Health Institute, “Antibiotic Use in Animals Rises in 2004”, пресс-релиз от 27 июня 2005 г.

70 “Hogging It! Estimates of Antimicrobial Abuse in Livestock”, Union of Concerned Scientists, January 2001, executive summary, xiii, www.ucsusa.org/food_and_agriculture/science_and_impacts/impacts _industrial_agriculture / hogging-it-estimates-of.html.

71 Animal Health Institute, “Antibiotic Use in Animals Rises in 2004”, пресс-релиз от 27 июня 2005 г.

72 Animal Health Institute, Active Antibacterial Ingredients Sold byAHI Members, обзор за 2002–2004 гг., 27 июня 2005 г.

73 Amy Chapin et al., “Airborne Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from a Concentrated Swine Feeding Operation”, Environmental Health Perspectives 113 (2005), 137; M. P. Schlusener, K. Bester,

“Persistence of Antibiotics Such As Macrolides, Tiamulin and Salinomycin in Soil”, Environmental Pollution 143 (2006), 565–571; J. M. Cha et al., “Rapid Analysis of Trace Levels of Antibiotic Polyether Ionophores in Surface Water by Solid-Phase Extraction”, Journal of Chromatography 1065 (2005), 187–198.

74 Morten Helms et al., “Excess Mortality Associated with Antimicrobial Drug-Resistant Salmonella typhimurium”, Emerging Infectious Diseases 8 (2002), 490–495; J. K. Varma et al., “Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella Is Associated with Increased Hospitalizations”, National Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring System 1996–2000, International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2002.

75 H. A. Elder et al., “Human Studies to Measure the Effect of Antibiotic Residues”, Veterinary and Human Toxicology 35 (1996), suppl. 1, 31–36.

76 Jeffrey Lejeune, Nicholas Christie, “Microbiological Quality of Ground Beef from Conventionally Reared Cattle and ‘Raised Without Antibiotics’ Label Claims”, Journal of Food Protection, 67 (2004), 1433–1437.