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Джессика Снайдер Сакс

70 Claudia Zuany-Amorin et al., “Suppression of Airway Eosinophilia by Killed Mycobacterium vaccae-lnduced Allergen-Specific Regulatory T-cells”, Nature Medicine 8 (2002), 625–629; Victoria Adams et al., “Mycobacterium vaccae Induces a Population of Pulmonary CDiic (+) Cells with Regulatory Potential in Allergic Mice”, European Journal of Immunology 34 (2004), 631–638.

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72 Fawziah Marra et al., “Does Antibiotic Exposure During Infancy Lead to Development of Asthma? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (of Seven Studies)”, Chest 129 (2006), 610–618.

73 Mairi Noverr et al., “Development of Allergic Airway Disease in Mice Following Antibiotic Therapy and Fungal Microbiota Increase: Role of Host Genetics, Antigen, and Interleukin-13”, Infection and Immunity 73 (2005), 30–38; Mairi Noverr, Gary Huffnagle, “Does the Microbiota Regulate Immune Responses Outside the Gut?” Trends in Microbiology 12 (2004), 562–568; Mairi Noverr, Gary Huffnagle, “Role of Antibiotics and Fungal Microbiota in Driving Pulmonary Allergic Responses”, Infection and Immunity 72 (2004), 4996–5003.

74 B. Laubereau et al., “Caesarean Section and Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Atopic Dermatitis, and Sensitisation During the First Year of Life”, Archives of Diseases of Children 89 (2004), 993–997.

75 A. C. Ouwehand et al., “Differences in Bifidobacterium Flora Composition in Allergic and Healthy Infants”, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 108 (2001), 144–145.

76 B. Björksten et al., “The Intestinal Microflora in Allergic Estonian and Swedish Infants”, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 29 (1999), 342346; E. Sepp et al., “Intestinal Microflora of Estonian and Swedish Infants”, Acta Paediatrica 86 (1997), 956–961.

77 Anita van den Biggelaar et al., “Long-Term Treatment of Intestinal Helminths In creases Mite Skin-Test Reactivity in Gabonese Schoolchildren”, Journal of Infectious Diseases 189 (2004), 892–900.

78 R. W. Summers et al., “Trichuris suis Therapy in Crohn’s Disease”, Gut 54 (2005), 87–90.

79 Charlotte Schubert, “The Worm Has Turned”, Nature Medicine 10 (2004), 1204–1271.

80 Christopher Lowry, “Functional Subsets of Serotonergic Neurones”, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14 (2002), 911–923; Christopher

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81 Rose-Marie Bluthe et al., “Central Injection of IL-10 Antagonizes the Behavioral Effects of Lipopolysaccharide in Rats”, Psychoneuroendocrinology 24 (1999), 301–311.

82 Marianne Wamboldt et al., “Familial Association Between Allergic Disorders and Depression in Adult Finnish Twins”, American Journal of Medical Genetics 96 (2000), 146–153.

83 M. Maes et al., “In Vitro Immunoregulatory Effects of Lithium in Healthy Volunteers”, Psychopharmacology 143 (1999), 401; Marta Kubera et al., “Anti-inflammatory Effects of Antidepressants Through Suppression of the Interferon-gamma / Interleukin-10 Production Ratio”, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 21 (2001), 199–206; Brian Leonard, “The Immune System, Depression and the Action of Antidepressants”, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 25 (2001), 767–780; Sinead O’Brien et al.,