Читать «Английский язык. Учебно-методическое пособие к практическим занятиям для биологов бакалавриата и магистратуры» онлайн - страница 2
З. К. Мадиева
The figures of the Earth's ecological calamities are distressing. Forests are disappearing at the rate of 20 hectares per minute, or more than 500 000 hectares a year. The volume of atmospheric oxygen annually decreases by 10 billion tons – a consequence of the destruction of forests and the contamination of water reservoirs.
The planet's genetic fund has sustained irretrievable losses: hundreds of species of animals, birds, fish and plants have disappeared forever. All these figures show our race to ecological catastrophe.
Our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate It, if people use good will and make considerable Investments for that purpose.
The essential feature of environmental protection is that many problems can be solved only at the level of world community. It is the joint efforts of many scientists and special public organizations that can deal with the problem and make necessary measures to protect the environment.
Joint actions of all countries can eliminate pollution and achieve successes in purifying air, water and soil and in safeguarding national resources.
I. Translate the following into English:
protect – protection, pollute – pollution, contaminate – contamination, purify – purifier – purification, environment – environmental, chemistry – chemist – chemical, source – resources, dispose – disposal, sewage – sewerage, lose – loss, eliminate – elimination, advance – advancement.
2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:
проблема загрязнения окружающей среды, загрязнять, человечество, цивилизация, развиваться, дороги с асфальтовым покрытием, дождевая вода, сброшенная вода, исчезать, со скоростью, последствия разрушения, водохранилище, генофонд планеты, экологическая катастрофа, технический прогресс, устранить, сделать значительный вклад, основная черта, защита окружающей среды, разрешить проблему, на уровне мирового сообщества, совместные усилия, общественные организации, принять меры, очистка воздуха, охрана, выхлопные газы, свалка.
3. Open the brackets and use the proper tense:
1) The problem of pollution (become) the most important one for mankind,
2) Air, water and soil pollution (destroy) the environment.
3) The sphere of water pollution (broaden).
4) Water pollution (change) from a national to an international problem.
5) The planet's genetic fund (sustain) irretrievable losses.
4. Make questions of the following statements and then give short answers to each of them:
1) Hundreds of species of animals and plants have disappeared forever.
2) Our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate ecological catastrophe.
3) The essential feature of environmental protection is that many problems can be solved only at the level of world community.
4) Joint actions of all countries can eliminate pollution.
5) Air, water and soil pollution by industry is now reaching tremendous proportions.