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Артемий Юрьевич Романов
Rosenfeld, L. Overview of the ways privacy, secrecy, and disclosure are balanced in today’s society. In S. Petronio (Ed.)
Ruscher, J., Hurley, M. Off-target verbosity evokes negative stereotypes of older adults
Ryan, E., Giles, H., Bartolucci, G, Henwood, K. Psychological and social psychological components of communication by and with the elderly.
Ryan, E., Cole R. Evaluative perceptions of interpersonal communication with elders. In H. Giles, N. Coupland, & J. Wiemann (Eds.),
Ryan, E., Hummert, M., Boich, L. Communication predicament of aging: patronizing behavior toward older adults.
Schaie, К. Ageist language in psychological research.
Segrin, C. Age moderates the relationship between social support and psychological problems.
Serewicz, M. Getting along with the in-laws: relationships with parents-in-law, In K. Flaoyd, M. Morman (Eds.),
Singer, A., Weinstein, R. Differential paternal treatment predicts achievement and self-perception in two cultural contexts.
Somary, K., Strieker, G Becoming a grandparent: A longitudinal study of expectations and early experiences as a function of sex and lineage.
Song, D., Youn, G Characteristics of loneliness for the elderly Korean.
Street, R., Giles, H. Speech accommodation theory: a social cognitive approach to language and speech behavior. In M. E. Roloff and C. R. Bereger (Eds.),
Stuart, S., Vanderhoof, D., Beukelman, D. Topic and vocabulary use patterns of elderly women.
Suganuma, M. Self-disclosure and self-esteem in old age.
Tajfel, H.
Tam, T., Hewstone, M., Harwood, J., Voci, A., Kenworthy, J. Inergroup contact and grandparent-grandchild communication: The effects of self-disclosure on implicit and explicit biases against older people.