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Арсений Григорьевич Рагунштейн
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Freemont-Barnes G. The Wars of the Barbary Pirates. Oxford, 2006.
Konstam A. Lepanto 1571 – The Greatest Naval Battle Of The Renaissance. Oxford, 2003.
Lane-Poole S. The Story of the Nations The Story of the Barbary corsairs. New York, 1890.
Lardas M. Decatur’s Bold and Daring Act. The Philadelphia in Tripoli 1804. London, 2011.
Leiner F. C. End of Barbary Terror. America’s 1815 War against the Pirates of North Africa. Oxford, 2006.
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Naval Documents related to the United States Wars with the Barbary Powers. Washington, 1940. Vol. II.
Naval Documents related to the United States Wars with the Barbary Powers. Washington, 1941. Vol. III.
Naval Documents related to the United States Wars with the Barbary Powers. Washington, 1942. Vol. IV.
Naval Documents related to the United States Wars with the Barbary Powers. Washington, 1944. Vol. V.
Naval Documents related to the United States Wars with the Barbary Powers. Washington, 1944. Vol. VI.
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Pickles T. Malta 1565. London, 1998.
Phillips R. C. Navies and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Period // Naval Strategy and Power in the Mediterranean: Past, Present and Future / Ed. by J.B. Hattendorf. London, 2000.
Pinzac D. The Barbary Corsairs: The End of a Legend, 1800–1820. Boston, 2005.
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Stevens J. W. An Historical and Geographical Account of Algiers. London, 1797.
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Североафриканский пират (Хайреддин Барбаросса). Художник П. Ф. Мол
Арудж Барбаросса. Рисунок XIX в.
Флот Барбароссы в Тулоне. Гравюра XVI в.
Атака на Тунис в 1535 г. Гравюра Ф. Хогенберга