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Джордж Акерлоф


W. Braddock Hickman, Corporate Bond Quality and Investor Experience (Princeton: National Bureau of Economic Research and Princeton University Press, 1958). Table 1 is on p. 10.


George Anders and Constance Mitchell, “Junk King’s Legacy: Milken Sales Pitch on High-Yield Bonds Is Contradicted by Data,” Wall Street Journal, November 20, 1990, p. A1.


Lindley B. Richert, “One Man’s Junk Is Another’s Bonanza in the Bond Market,” Wall Street Journal, March 27, 1975.


John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 30th ed. (London: William Tegg, 1849): «Я стараюсь, насколько могу, освободиться от тех заблуждений, которым мы склонны поддаваться, принимая слова за вещи» (с. 104).


Gary Smith, Standard Deviations: Flawed Assumptions, Tortured Data, and Other Ways to Lie with Statistics (New York: Duckworth Overlook, 2014).


Jesse Kornbluth, Highly Confident: The Crime and Punishment of Michael Milken (New York: William Morrow, 1992), p. 45.


Hickman, Corporate Bond Quality and Investor Experience, p. 10.


Jeremy J. Siegel and Richard H. Thaler, “Anomalies: The Equity Premium Puzzle,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 11, no. 1 (Winter 1997): 191.


United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation et al. v. Michael R. Milken et al. (1991), Southern District of New York (January 18), Amended Complaint Class Action, Civ. No. 91-0433 (MP), pp. 70–71.


See James B. Stewart, Den of Thieves (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992), pp. 521–22; and Benjamin Stein, A License to Steal: The Untold Story of Michael Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992).


Kornbluth, Highly Confident, p. 64. Later, Drexel was able to raise $5 billion in a few hours in the buyout of RJR Nabisco. Burrough and Helyar, Barbarians at the Gate, Kindle locations 10069–72.


FDIC v. Milken, pp. 146–47.


FDIC v. Milken, pp. 149–50.


Stein, License to Steal, pp. 89–92.


Судебное дело против Китинга было пересмотрено в порядке обжалования после того, как он отсидел 4,5 года и покаялся в прочих своих преступлениях. Robert D. McFadden, “Charles Keating, 90, Key Figure in ’80s Savings and Loan Crisis, Dies,” New York Times, April 2, 2014, accessed May 27, 2015, . Шпигелю были предъявлены обвинения по целому ряду эпизодов, но он был оправдан после семи недель процесса. Thomas S. Mulligan, “Spiegel Found Not Guilty of Looting S & L,” Los Angeles Times, December 13, 1994, accessed May 1, 2015, . Карра допрашивали в суде, но обвинения не предъявили. Scot J. Paltrow, “Executive Life Seizure: The Costly Comeuppance of Fred Carr,” Los Angeles Times, April 12, 1991.