Читать «Опционы: Разработка, оптимизация и тестирование торговых стратегий» онлайн - страница 188

Вадим Цудикман

Список литературы

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Izraylevich, Sergey and Tsudikman, Vadim. An empirical solution to option pricing. Futures, vol. 38 (5), 2009. Pp. 28–31.

Izraylevich, Sergey and Tsudikman, Vadim. Best method of multi-criteria analysis. Futures, vol. 39 (6), 2010. Pp. 40–42.

Izraylevich, Sergey and Tsudikman, Vadim. Measuring new risk management tools. Futures, vol. 39 (1), 2010. Pp. 42–47.

Izraylevich, Sergey and Tsudikman, Vadim. Multi-criteria analysis: A practical approach. Futures, vol. 39 (7), 2010. Pp. 25–27.

Izraylevich, Sergey and Tsudikman, Vadim. Risk management: facing new challenges. Futures, vol. 38 (12), 2009. Pp. 30–35.

Izraylevich, Sergey and Tsudikman, Vadim. Short volatility trading in extreme markets. Futures, vol. 38 (10), 2009. Pp. 28–31.

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