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Benedikt Stuchtey, ‘“Not by law but by sentiment”. Great Britain and imperial defense, 1918–1939’, in Roger Chickering and Stig Förster (eds.), The shadows of total war. Europe, East Asia, and the United States, 1919–1939 (Cambridge, 2003), pp. 255–70 (quotation p. 263)


Darwin, Empire project, p. 457.


Michaela Hoenicke Moore, Know your enemy. The American debate on Nazism, 1933–1945 (Cambridge, 2010), pp. 78–93 and 341–2.


Государственная корпорация по развитию и освоению долины реки Теннесси, одного из наиболее отсталых в промышленном отношении районов США в первой половине XX столетия. Примеч. ред.


По названию итальянского города на озере Лаго-Маджоре, где состоялась встреча руководителей Великобритании и Италии и министра иностранных дел Франции. Примеч. ред.


Alan Bullock, Hitler. A study in tyranny (London, 1952), p. 315.


Hildebrand, Das vergangene Reich, p. 623.


Pierre-Henri Laurent, ‘The reversal of Belgian foreign policy, 1936–1937’, The Review of Politics, 31, 3 (July 1969), p. 370.


Nicole Jordan, The Popular Front and central Europe. The dilemmas of French impotence, 1919–1940 (Cambridge, 1992).


Antony Beevor, The battle for Spain. The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 (London, 2006).


David Patterson, A genealogy of evil. Anti-semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad (Cambridge, 2011).


Silvio Pons, Stalin and the inevitable war, 1936–1941 (London and Portland, 2002).


John Lamberton Harper, American visions of Europe. Franklin D. Roosevelt, George F. Kennan and Dean G. Acheson (Cambridge, 1994), p. 67.



David Dilks, ‘“We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. The prime minister, the Cabinet and Hitler’s Germany, 1937–1939’, Proceedings of the British Academy, LXXIII (1987), p. 325.


B. J. C. Roi and M. L. McKercher, ‘“Ideal” and “punchbag”: con icting views of the balance of power and their in uence on interwar British foreign policy, diplomacy and statecraft’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 12, 2 (2001), pp. 47–78 (quotation, p. 53).


Daniel Hucker, ‘French public attitudes towards the prospect of war in 1938–1939’, French History, 21, 4 (2007), pp. 431–4; Jerry H. Brookshire, ‘Speak for England, act for England: Labour’s leadership and British national security under the threat of war in the late 1930s’, European His – tory Quarterly, 29, 2 (1999), pp. 251–87.


Maurice Cowling, The impact of Hitler. British politics and British policy, 1933–1940 (Chicago and London, 1975).


Tobias Jersak, ‘A matter of foreign policy: “Final Solution” and “Final Victory” in Nazi Germany’, German History 21, 3 (2003), pp. 369–91 (quotation p. 378).


John Thompson, ‘Conceptions of national security and American entry into World War II’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 16, 4 (2005), pp. 671–97 (quotations pp. 673–4).