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Каспар Хендерсон
Royle, Peter, 2008, ‘Crabs’,
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1938,
Singer, P. W, 2009,
Thurber, A. R.
Wallace, David Foster, 2005,
Данио рерио
Adler, Ray, 2010, ‘Ray Kurzweil: Building bridges to immortality’,
Atwood, Margaret, 2003,
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Berry, Thomas, 2009,
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Bostrom, Nick, 2007, ‘The Future of Humanity’, op. cit.
Bosveld, Jane, 2009, ‘Evolution by Intelligent Design: Bioengineers will likely control the future of humans as a species’,
Brazier, Martin, 2009, ‘The Deep History of Life on Earth’,
Cascio, James, 2009, ‘Get Smarter’,
Chalmers, David J., 2010, ‘The Singularity: A Philosophical Analysis’,
Chin, Jason, 2009, ‘Preprogramming the code of life’, the Francis Crick Prize lecture, The Royal Society, 26 November 2009.
Cullen, Jonathan M.
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Eagleman, David, 2009,
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Gopnik, Adam, 2011, ‘The Information: How the Internet gets inside us’,
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Haque, Umair, 2011, ‘Egypt’s Revolution: Coming to an Economy Near You’,
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Hoffman, David E., 2010,
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Kasparov, Garry, 2011, ‘The Chess Master and the Computer”,
Kikuchi, Kazu